Page:The Classical Heritage of the Middle Ages.djvu/272

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254 THE CLASSICAL HERITAGE [chap. which Christ was then thought and felt by the Chris- tian soul. "Bridle of untamed colts, Wing of straight-flying birds, Sure helm of helpless ones, Shepherd of the King's sheep, Thine own simple Children lead Holily to praise Guilelessly to sing With sinless mouths The children's leader, Christ King of the holy ones, All conquering word Of the highest Father, Prefect of wisdom, Support of burdens. Rejoicing eternally, Of the mortal race Saviour Jesus. Shepherd, husbandman. Helm, bridle, Heavenly wing Of the hallowed flock, Pisher of men Who are saved. Catching with the bait of sweet life The holy fishes Prom the hostile wave Of the sea of evil. Lead, shepherd Of the speaking sheep. Lead, holy one, King of unharmed boys.