Page:The Classical Heritage of the Middle Ages.djvu/381

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APPENDIX 363 Boethius: Opera in Migne, Patr. Lat., Vols. 63 and 64; Anicii Manlii Severeni Boetii Commentarii in Librum Aristotelis trtpi ipfxr/veta^, recensuit C. Meiser (1877-1880) ; De Consolatione Philosophiae, ed. Peiper (Leipsic, 1871) ; The Consolation of Philosophy, translated by H. R. James (London, 1897); Alfred the Great's translation of the Con- solation of Philosophy, ed. by Sedgefield (Clarendon Press). For Notker's translations, see Piper, Die Alteste Deutsche Literatur, p. 354 et sqq. (Deutsche Nat. Lit.). A sketch of famous mediaeval translations of the De Consolatione is given by H. F. Stewart in Boethius, an Essay (1891). See also Nitzsch, Das System des Boethius (Berlin, 1860) ; Hildebrand, Boethius und seine Stellung zum Christenthum (Regeusburg, 1885) ; Haureau, Histoire de la philosophie scholastique, Vol. 1 (Paris, 1872) ; Hodgkin, Italy and her Invaders, Vol. III. For Dante's use of Boethius, see Moore, Studies in Dante, First Series, pp. 282-288; Toynbee's Dante Dictionary, articles " Boezio," " Consolazione Philosophiae.'* An adequate history of the use of the classics in the Mid- dle Ages does not exist. Heeren's painstaking Geschichte der classischen Literatur im Mittelalter, Werke, Vols. 4 and 5 (Gottingen 1822), will hardly satisfy the modern scholar. The subject lies beyond the present work, but the following references are given. On the general propriety of reading the classic authors or confining oneself to the study of the seven liberal arts, the question of the auctores as against the artes: Norden, Antike Kunstprosa, pp. 688- 747. On the use of the Latin classic authors generally: Graf, Iloma nella memoria e nelle immaginazioni del Medio Evo, II, p. 163 et seq. (Turin, 1882) ; Comparetti, Virgil in the Middle AgeSj passim; Ebert, Allgemeine Geschichte der Literatur des Mittelalter8,/)a««im; Manitius, Beitrage, Philo- logus, 2Ieit«chrift fUr class. Alterthum, Supplementband VII, pp. 75&-766, and Philologiis 51, p. 704, and 62, p. 636. On Virgil the authority is Comparetti's Virgil in the Mid-