Page:The Collected Poems of Dora Sigerson Shorter.djvu/131

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Around my head for ever
I hear small voices speak
In tongues I cannot follow,
I know not what they seek.

I raise my hands to find them
When autumn winds go by,
And see between my fingers
A broken smnmer fly.

I raise my hands to hold them
When winter days are near,
And clasp a falling snowflake
That breaks into a tear.

And ever follows laughter
That echoes through my heart.
From some delights forgotten
Where once I had a part

What love comes, half-remembered.
In half-forgotten bliss?
Who lay upon my bosom,
And had no human kiss?

Where is the land I loved in?
What music did I sing
That left my ears enchanted
Inside the fairy ring?

I see my neighbours shudder,
And whisper as I pass:
“Three nights the fairies stole him;
He trod on sleeping grass.”