Page:The Collected Poems of Dora Sigerson Shorter.djvu/38

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Knowing his honour, it might be she came,
Since he was still.
What did she care for my torture or shame?—
I served her will.

Knowing his weakness under her eyes,
Boldly she flew
Into his arms, hushed his blame and surprise,
If this be true.

Speak to me once, for God's sake, till I know
What was the worst!
My friend, my beloved, did you both plan the blow
Made me accurst?

Speak to me once. O dear voices, for!
Wait to forgive!
Tell me your secret: the echoes reply—
I alone live.

Only the bark of my dog in the tower.
Glad in his play;
“Red was her cloak, and her face like a flower”;
Hide it away!