Page:The Collected Poems of Dora Sigerson Shorter.djvu/43

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But there he met an ancient crone.
To whom he spake his mind—
“And have you seen my lady here,
For her I cannot find?”

“I have not seen your lady here,”
The withered dame replied;
“But I have met a little lass,
Who wrung her hands and cried.

“She was not clad in silken robe,
Nor rode a palfrey white;
She had no maidens in her train,
Behind her rode no knight.

”But she crept weary up yon hill,
And crouched upon the sord,
I dare not think that she could be
Spouse to so great a Lord.“

Now darkly frowned Earl Roderick,
He turned his face away;
And shame and anger in his heart
Disturbed him with their sway,

For he had never cared to know
What his young bride would wear;
He gave her neither horse, nor hound,
Nor jewels for her hair.

“And whither went this little lass.
And who was by her side?
I vow his blood shall drench my blade,
And that before my bride.”

“There was no lover by her side;
She went sad and alone,
And when she reached the green hilltop
She there did make her moan.