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Page:The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, vol. 1.djvu/315

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1 Pietermaritzburg . . . . 1,521 82
2 Umgeni . . . . . . 306 Nil
3 Lion’s River . . . . . . 511 Nil
4 Ixopo . . . . . . 573 3
5 Durban. . . . . . 2,100 143
6 County of Durban . . . . 779 20
7 Victoria . . . . . . 566 1
8 Umvoti. . . . . . 438 1
9 Weenen . . . . . . 528 Nil
10 Klip River . . . . 591 1
11 Newcastle . . . . . . 917 Nil
12 Alexandra . . . . 201 ‘‘
13 Alfred . . . . . . 278 ‘‘
9,309 251
Grand Total 9,560

Thus, out of 9,560 registered voters only 251 are Indians. And only two divisions have Indian voters worth mentioning. The proportion of Indians voters to the European, roughly speaking, is 1:38, i.e., the European vote at present is 38 times as strong as the Indian vote. According to the Report of the Protector of Indian Immigrants for 1895, out of the total Indian population of 46,343 only 30,303 are free Indians. Adding to this the trading Indian population of, say, 5,000, we have, roughly, 35,000 freed and free Indians. At present, therefore, the Indian population that may compete with the European population as to voting is not so large as the European. But I believe I am not wide of the mark in saying that more than half of the 35,000 are only a stage higher than the indentured Indians in point of pecuniary circumstances. I have been travelling in the districts surrounding and within 50 miles of Durban, and I may safely venture to assert that most of the Indians who are free are living from hand to mouth and certainly have not immovable property worth £50. Free Indian adults in the Colony number only 12,360. Thus, I submit that the fears as to the Indian vote swamping the European in the near future are entirely groundless.

The following analysis of the Indian Voters’ List further shows that most of the Indian voters are those Indians who have settled