ef|8}} at the cost of the ships, all persons intended to be landed, and when this is arranged for, pratique may be given to the ships after my instructions have been carried out. (App. K.)
Your Memorialists respectfully draw your attention to the fact that the Medical Officer fails to state what his instructions are, even in that letter. On the 25th, the owners’ solicitors wrote to the Acting Health Officer pressing for a reply to their question contained in their letter of the 24th. (App. L.) The Health Officer replied the same day that he did not consider it safe to grant pratique to the vessels except on the conditions stated by him. (App. M.) The owners’ solicitors wrote the same day expressing surprise that it did not contain any answer to their question, and pressing for the same, also asking for the exact conditions under which he would grant pratique. (App. N.) On the 26th, the Health Officer replied in the following terms:
- If the passengers are not landed into quarantine quarters, 12 days must run after fumigation of ship and precautions as regards clothing, namely, by washing and disinfecting, and the burning of sundry old rags, mats, socks, etc., in accordance with instructions given by me to each Captain, before pratique can be given. If the owners agree to bear the expense of quarantine, then the landing must be preceded by fumigation and precautions as above, and after the landing is effected, the departure of the steamers will be facilitated; but there must be no contact with shore except under proper restrictions. If you want to get the steamers away, the simplest course will be to arrange for the owners to bear the expense of quarantining the passengers on the Bluff for twelve days after fumigation, etc., of the ship, or for any longer period, should such necessity arise. (App. O.)
The owners’ solicitors wrote in reply the same day, drawing his attention to the certificates given by Drs. Prince and Harrison above referred to, and protesting against the conditions imposed by him. They also protested that, although upwards of eight days had elapsed since the arrival of the steamers, no steps had been taken to disinfect the vessels in the way he had proposed. They further said that their clients refused to be party to any proceedings with reference to placing the passengers in quarantine on shore, as they did not consider his refusal to grant pratique to be a legal action. They, moreover, recorded the facts