tomorrow.” “ Distressed for want of water” was then signalled by the said appearer and kept flying for 2 hours. As usual, cleaning and disinfecting of the ship throughout was strictly attended to. On the 28th December, the following signal was made: “Send everything wanted in order of Saturday, also letters, likewise information respecting landing horses.” At 11 a.m. the steam tender Natal came alongside, and put on board carbolic acid for disinfecting and sulphur for fumigating purposes. The police officer also boarded to superintend the use of the above-mentioned disinfectants. A quantity of fresh water was also put aboard. The ship was thoroughly fumigated with burning sulphur, the upper and lower decks thoroughly washed with carbolic acid, and the same disinfectant was used throughout the ship. All bedding, mats, bags, baskets, and all other material likely to propagate disease was burned in ship’s furnaces. On the 29th December, the upper and lower decks were washed with carbolic acid, and the same disinfectant used freely throughout the ship. The following signal was hoisted by the said appearer: “Disinfection and fumigation carried out to satisfaction of officer on board. Please inform Quarantine Officer at once.” At 10 a.m., four hours later, the said appearer signalled the shore: “We are ready, waiting for Quarantine Officer.” At 2.30 p.m. the steam tender Lion came alongside and put the Quarantine Officer aboard, who, after inspecting the ship throughout, expressed himself as being perfectly satisfied with the manner in which his orders had been carried out, but said that the vessel should have to remain in quarantine for a further 12 days from this date. At 3 p.m. the following signal was hoisted: “By order of the Government, all passengers’ bed-clothes having been burnt, request Government to renew same at once, as passengers’ lives are in danger without them. Want written instructions how long quarantine is to last, as verbal time changes [with] every visit of Quarantine Officer. No case of sickness occurring in the interval. Give notice to Government our ship has been disinfected every day since leaving Bombay. Want 100 fowls and 12 sheep.” Cleaning and disinfecting of the ship strictly attended to. On the 30th December, the said appearer signalled as follows: “Reply to our signal of yesterday. Passengers wish to disembark, will pay their own expenses in quarantine.”
On the 31st December, the said appearer again signalled the shore as follows: “Do you intend this year to answer my signals of Tuesday and yesterday?” Cleaning and disinfecting of ship strictly attended to as usual.
On the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th January, 1897, the ship was regularly every day ventilated, cleaned and disinfected throughout, and all quarantine regulations strictly observed.
On the 9th January, the cleaning and disinfecting was repeated. At 5.30 p.m. the said appearer received a letter per the Natal fr