uary, till the afternoon of the 23rd instant, his said vessel has been obliged to continue moored in the stream, instead of obtaining a berth at the wharf, while other vessels have arrived, and accommodation has been found for them at the said wharf. And that the Port Captain has refused to explain to the said appearer the reason for such treatment. On the 16th January, the said Alexander Milne appeared before the Notary, Frederic Augustus Laughton, at Durban, aforesaid, and cause his protest to be duly noted.
And the appearer protests, and I, the said Notary do also protest against the aforesaid acts of the Government, or Government officials, and all loss or damage occasioned thereby.
Thus done and passed in due form of law at Durban, Natal, the day, month and year first before written in the presence of the witnesses hereunto subscribing.
As Witnesses: (Sd.) ALEXANDER MILNE,
30↑ Vide the following Appendix.
January 8, 1897
s. s. Courland
Neither you nor your passengers may be aware that the feeling in the Colony against the inflow of Asiatics has been running very high lately, and has culminated on the arrival of your ship and the Naderi.
Following on that, public meetings have been held in Durban, at which the enclosed resolutions were carried with acclamation. So largely attended were these meetings that all desiring it could not get into the Town Hall.
Almost every man in Durban has signed signifying his intention to prevent those on board your ship and the Naderi landing in the Colony and we are most desirous there should, if possible, be avoided a conflict between the men of Durban and your passengers, which will most assuredly happen if they attempt to land. As your passengers are ignorant of the state of feeling, and have come here in ignorance, and we have it from the Attorney-General that if your people are willing to return to India, the Colony will pay the e