On the 29th December, the following was signalled to the shore:
- “Disinfection completed to the Officer’s satisfaction.” The Health Officer inspected the ship and declared himself satisfied with the disinfection carried out, and imposed twelve days’ quarantine on the ship and crew from this date.
On the 30th December, the following was signalled to the shore: “Ask Government to supply at once 250 blankets for passengers instead of those destroyed by Government; passengers are suffering greatly without them, other wise disembark them at once. Passengers suffering from cold and wet, fear sickness in consequence.”
On the 9th January, the following was signalled to the shore by the said appearer: “Quarantine finished. When shall I obtain pratique? Please reply.”
On the 11th January, the Health Officer boarded and granted pratique, the Quarantine flag was hauled down, and the appearer asked permission to land, and was told that he was not allowed to do so, in the presence of the Police Officer and Pilot. The Natal came along with the Pilot who boarded and filled in the papers and port documents, and left orders for the said Francis John Raffin to be ready to enter the harbour, if signalled from shore.
On the 12th January, there were no signals from the shore.
On the 13th January, the Churchill came alongside with Government order to be ready to go inside at 10-30 a.m. At half past twelve, the appearer’s vessel dropped anchor and moored alongside the steamship Courland. At 2.30, orders were received from the Port Captain to inform passengers that they were free to land. And the appearer protests, and I the said Notary do also protest against the aforesaid acts of the Government or Government officials, and all loss or damage occasioned thereby.
Thus done and passed in due form of law at Durban, Natal, the day, month and year first before written in the presence of the witnesses hereunto subscribing.
As Witnesses: (Sd.) F. J. RAFFIN