en to disinfect them, but on the 29th ultimo, we believe, disinfection was completed, in terms of the above mentioned report of the Medical Committee.
This delay in disinfection cost the owners of the steamers one hundred and fifty pounds per diem, or a sum of £1,650.
Relying on the assurance contained in the Principal Under-Secretary’s telegram of the 24th, that pratique with all its privileges would be granted to the steamers if they were placed in the hands of the Health Officer, for the purpose of undergoing the requirements of the Medical Committee’s Report, steamers were so placed in his hands to great injury (1) to the passengers, as all their beds bedding and much of their clothing was burned, and for several nights, many of them were left to sleep on the boards; (2) to us as owners, inasmuch as our steamers have been detained during the days of quarantine at an expense of £150 per diem; and (3) to the friends and countrymen of the passengers, who have supplied their wants by furnishing beds, bedding, clothing and food during the detention.
During the last few days, two meetings of excited European townspeople have been held at Durban, called together under the following notice which appeared in several issues of The Natal Advertiser:
- “Wanted every man in Durban, to attend a meeting to be held in the large room at the Victoria Cafe, on Monday evening next, the 4th January, at 8 o’clock, for the purpose of arranging a demonstration to proceed to the Point and protest against the landing of Asiatics, Harry Sparks, Chairman of Preliminary Meeting.”
The two meetings were largely attended, and in spite of the unlawful objects of such meetings clearly indicated in the above notice, the Town Hall of Durban was opened for such meetings.
We quite recognize the right of Her Majesty’s subjects to ventilate their grievances in public meetings, provided the objects of such meetings are legal, and as regards the first of the said two meetings held on the 4th instant, we would draw your attention to the report of it which appeared in the Mercury and The Natal Advertiser of the 5th instant, by which you will see that, in spite of declaration by certain speakers to the contrary, violence to the passengers or to some of them was contemplated in the event of the Government not granting their request, and in the event of the passengers being landed.
But as regards Dr. Mackenzie, who formed one of the Medical Committee upon whose report the steamers were placed in quarantine, and who, as on of such Committee, is supposed to have given his opinion with impartiality and fairness, we would venture to bring to your notice extracts of a speech which he delivered to such meeting in proposing the following resolution, that is to say: