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the wharf, and that in so doing, we are entitled to the protection of the Government for passengers and property against the lawless acts of any persons, whoever they may be. But, in order to render unnecessary any act on the part of the Government which might tend to intensify the excitement which exists, we are ready to co-operate with the Government in taking all necessary steps for the landing of passengers quietly and unknown to the public. We shall be glad to hear if this suggestion meets with your approval, and if so, what is required of us in carrying it out.

We have the honour to be,
Your obedient servants,


33 This should be the other way round. The Courland left on the 30th and the Naderi on the 2th November.




January 9, 1897



In supplement of our letter to you of yesterday, wherein we placed before you our reasons for entertaining grave apprehensions regarding the legality of the Demonstration and the safety, on landing, of the passengers on board the Courland, s.s., and Naderi, s.s. we have the honour to submit the following paragraph which appears in this morning’s issue of The Mercury newspaper: “The declaration—the document which has been extensively signed by employers in Durban, is headed as follows: List of names of members, trade or profession mentioned, who are willing to proceed to the Point and resist by force, if necessary, the landing of Asiatics, and to obey any orders which may be given by the leaders.”

We have, also, the honour to draw your attention to the same issue of The Mercury newspaper, and under the heading of “The Leaders”, you will see it reported that the railwaymen have banded themselves together under the command of Mr. Sparks, and under the captainship of Messrs Wylie and Abrahams, in order to take part in the Demonstration; also that Dr. MacKenzie, member of the Medical Committee, on whose report steamers were quarantined, is in command of the Plasterers and Bricklayers division of the Demonstrat