Page:The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, vol. 2.djvu/247

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January, 1897, and were instrumental in saving the life of one whom we delight to love.

We are aware that what you did was, in your opinion, no¬ thing more than your duty; but we believe that it would be very ungrateful on our part if we did not, in some way, humbly re¬ cord our appreciation of your valuable work during that excep¬ tional time.

Moreover, for the same reason, we send herewith the sum of £10 for distribution among those of your Force who assisted on the occasion.1

We remain, etc.

From a photostat of a copy: S.N. 2149



March 24, 1897

Mrs. Alexander


MADAM, We, the undersigned, representing the Indian community in this Colony, herewith send you an humble present in the shape of a gold watch, chain and locket with a suitable inscrip¬ tion, as a token of our appreciation of the way in which you defended one whom we delight to love, on the 13th day of January, 1897, during the anti-Indian Demonstration crisis at no small personal risk to yourself.
We are sure that nothing that we can offer will be an adequ¬ ate return for your act which will ever be a pattern of true womanhood.
We remain, etc.
From a photostat of a copy: S.N. 2150
1 From the letters of acknowledgment from the addressee and his wife (S.N. 1938 and 1939) it seems Gandhiji had himself written to thank them for their intervention on his behalf. However, these letters are not available.