Page:The Collected Works of Theodore Parker Politics volume 4 .djvu/146

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yet further West. But the ultimate triumph of the genius of freedom is certain. In Europe, it shakes the earth with mighty tread; thrones fall before its conquering feet. While in the eastern continent, kings, armies, emperors, are impotent before that power, shall a hundred thousand slaveholders stay it here with a bit of parchment?

    Congress, as the decided opinion of this portion of Ms district, to leave his seat in that body, and return home.
    "Resolved, That we respectfully suggest to both houses of the legislature of South Carolina, to adopt a similar recommendation as to our senators in Congress from this State.
    "Resolved, That upon the return home of our senators and representatives in Congress, the legislature of South Carolina should be forthwith assembled to adopt such measures as the exigency may demand.
    "The resolutions were then submitted, seriatim, and, together with the report, were unanimously adopted."