Page:The Columbia River Historical Expedition.djvu/3

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F. G. Young

Under such fostering auspices, "See America First" will come into its own. But even more may be claimed. Transcontinental railway travel through such memorials and other means, kindling historical mindedness, will be indispensable schooling for attaining broad gauged citizenship. Such visual education would give the American voter his bearings in many of the great issues he has to decide.

The innovating genius and actual director of it all was Ralph Budd, president of the Great Northern. His staff, down to those in humblest roles, were most loyally co-operative in their efforts in the carrying out of the project.


The completion by the Southern Pacific of its "Cascade Line," giving the Klamath Falls region direct rail connection with the rest of Oregon, was appropriately celebrated August 18, 19 and 20, at Eugene. The pageant, "Klatawa," and the pioneer and industrial parades were the main features and were organized and carried out in a way that exhibited a wonderfully fine spirit of community cooperation. "Klatawa", written by Professor W. F. G. Thacher of the University of Oregon, was most effectively presented-the cast including probably a thousand participants-and brought out most instructively and impressively how improvement in the means of transportation was a controlling factor in the making of Oregon.