Page:The Commentaries of the Emperor Marcus Antoninus.pdf/10

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( v )

( v ) Turn of Mind, pould employ himſelf in writing, and often reading the Tranſactions of bis own Times,

as be plainly intimates

that be did with Regard to theſe Commenta ries which be mentions.

And whoever confi

ders what was the chief Object ofhis Contem plation, and what bis Notion of buman Af fairs, as both may be gathered from this Book, will incline to the fame Opinion. More over whatever is ſaid by way of Precept, Admonition ,

Exhortation, Reproof, is ad

dreſſed to himſelf, bis Intention having been evidently no other , than to ſet down certain Memorandumsfor bis own Uſe, without any View to the Publication of what he wrote .

Theſe two Remarks are ſufficient to ex plain the Title of the Book, as it ſtands in the Original, and to juſtify that which I have given to the Tranſlation. The Thoughts bere inculcated are not ſuch as belong peculiarly to the Rank and Station of the Author , but they are ſuch as he judged to be of greater Moment, than the ſubtileft Precepts in the Arts of Peace or War ;

as being, when once tho

roughly imbibed, not only the Foundation of true Ability in the Management of great Affairs, but alſo, as being the very Elence of Wiſdom , and of that Felicity which at tends