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Page:The Complete Monumental Register.djvu/185

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The Complete

On the obverse
Sacred to the Memory of
Second daughter of
Charles Weston, Esq. of Calcutta,
who in the bloom of her life
was broken off by a lingering disorder
at Bandel the 3d of June 1782
In the 23d year of her age.
She was in her Life plain and open,
Humble in her mind,
Grave and modest in her conversation,
Constant in her Friendship,
Untainted by the fluctuating fashion of the Age,
Sincere in her Piety to God,
Sympathizing with her fellow creatures,
Patient and resigned under all her sufferings,
An obedient Daughter
A faithful wife,
A tender mother,
Beloved and esteemed in her life,
Lamented and regretted in her death,
by her affectionate Husband,
J. C. Diemer. V. D. M.
On the reverse
Here lieth the Body of
Daughter of
Charles Weston, Merchant,
who departed this life
the twenty fifth day of March 1783,
Aged 22 years.
On the side
The early exit of these Daughters dear,
May swell the heart and force the parent's tear,
But when by Angels called and snatched away,
To dwell in regions of eternal day,
No more they weep, no more they mourn or sigh,
But strive like them to live, like them to die

Hier rust
in Leeven
Opperkoopman & Hoosd Adminst
Te Chinsura,
Overleeden den XVII Augustus MDCCLXXXIII
Oud Zynde
LII Jaar IX Maanden XVII dagen.

Here lyeth the Body of
Wife of Charles Hellyar
Merchant in Calcutta
who departed this Life
the 13th Day of October 1785
In the 39th Year of her Age.
An honest and endearing Wife, and
a most tender Mother
My days are gone like a shadow,
And I am withered like grass.