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100 WENTWORTH. IX. 1745. 8 aud 1. Edward (Nokl), Lord Wbntworth, cousin iri«i«A«i«t*^Nr <^d h., being ■. and h. of Sir Clobery Hon., 5th Bart (ci 80 July ViBOOunioy. ^^^ ^^^ ggj^ ^^ Eliaibeth, d». of Thomas Rowmit, of Oxford, T. 1762. which Clobery waa i. and h. of Sir John NoiCL, 4th Bart. (</. 1697, aged 30), br. and b. of Sir Thomas Nobl, 3d Bart. (li. s.p. 1688), both beiDg sons of Sir William Nokl, 4th Hart (tl 1675, aged 88), by his first wife, Mamret',(*) aunt to the late BaroufM, aud ouly da. that had issue of Johu (Lovklacr), 2d Sa.ron LoviLAOB OF UuRLBT, by Anue, tuo jure Haromus Wbntworth, above- named. He was b, 80 Aug. and hap. 11 Sep. 1715, at Kirkby Hal lory, co. Leicester ; «tt«. his father, 80 July 1738, in the family estate Ui«*re, and as 5th Baronet ; ed. st New College, Oxford* cr. H.A., 19 July 1786, and D.O.L., 28 Aug. 1744 ; me. to <Ae petrage, 18 July 1745, on the dtuith of his cousin, the Baronets Martha, aborenamed, and was er. 5 Hay 1762, VISCOUNT WBNTWORTH OF WELLES- BOROUQH, CO. Leicester. He m., 20 July 1 744 , at Wilbye, ca Northampton, Jnditli, da. and h. of WilHiim Lamb, of Wellesborough affid., and of Famdish, oo. Bedfonl. She d, at Kirkby Mallory, 8 and was bur. there, 10 Deo. 1761. Admon. 26 Feb. 1762. He d. at the same place, 81 Oct and was bur. there, 8 Nov. 1774, aged 59. Will pr. Nov. 1774. Visoountoy. II. Barony. X. 2 and 10. Thomas (Nokl), Viscount Wrnt- 1774, WORTH OF Wbllbsborouoh [1762] and Lord Wbnt- to WORTH [1529], onl^ a and h. ; (.18 Nov. ; and bap. 1815 ^^ I^^^ ^^^^ st Kirby Mallory ; ed. at Brasenose Coll., Oxford; er. M.A., 29 April 1766, and D.C.L., 7 July 1778; BI.P. for Leicestershire from 20 to 81 Oct 1774, when he tuc to the peerage ; was a Lord of the Bed- chamber, 1790 ; Col. of the I^ic. ProviciouHl Cavalry, 1798; Lieut. Col. com. West Leia batt of Vols., 1803. He m. 2 Feb. 1788, by spec, lie., in Lady Bridget Tollemache's house, in South Audley Square, St. Qeo. Han. Sq., Mary, Dow. CouNTBSS LiQOMiBR OP Clommbll [I.], 3<l da. of Robert (Hbnlkt), let Earl of NORTHINQTON, by Jane, da. of Sir John HuBAMaC*) She d. at Kirkby Mallury, 29 June, 1814. Will pr. 1814. He d. 8.p. in Ed ward -street, Marylebone, 17, and was bur. 28 April 1815, at Kirkby Mallory, in his 70th year, when the Vieeountey of Wentwith of Wdlethorough became cx^ind, but the Barony of Wenliporth fell into abeyanc0.{^) His will pr. 1815. Barony. 11, Aknb Tsabklla, mo jure Baronbss Wentwortti XI 1856 '^"^ Dovi. Baroiir.s.1 Hyhon op Rochdalr. widow, uieoe and heir, being da. and h. uf Sir Ralph Milranxk, aJterwanU [1815] Norl, Ctb Bart, (who c^ s.p in., 19 March 1825),' by Judith {d, 22 Jmi. 1822), 1st sliter aud cit-hfir of the late Lord. She, who was 6. 17 May 1792, ut Elemore Hall, and bttp. at Sealiani, oo. Durham, 10 Aug. fttllowiiig, m. 2 Jan. ISl.*, by spec. lie. at her father's house, Seaham Hall, go. Durham, Qeorge Gonluu (Byiuin, aftenoarde, 1822, Nokl), dth Baron Byroh ok Rochiulr, the celebrated Poet He, from whom she was separated in a >ear*s time, d. 19 April 1824, in his 36th year ; see fuller particulars of him under " Byron,'* By the death, 19 Nov. 1856, of her cousin, Nathaniel (Corzom), 3rd Baron Sgarsdalb, the abeyance of the Barony of Wentworth terminated, and she became entitled to that dignity. (*(} She </., B.p.m., (*) She d. li April 1671, aged 27, and was bur. in Westm. Abbey. (b) The notice in the "Oent, May.*' c»f the marriage of I«ord Wentworth, 19 May 1799, at Westwood, to Louisa, 1st da. of John Pukiiigton, Uurt., is unintelligible. (•*) The coheirs were (1) his eldest sister, Judith, wife of Sir Ralph Milbanke, aftenoardt Noel, Bart., whose da. and h., Anne Isabella, inherited the Barony in 1856; (2) hie nephew, Nathaniel Cursun, afterwards (1837), 3d Baron Scarsdale, s. and h. of his yst. sister, Sophia Susanna. On the death s.p. of tUU Nathauiol, 12 Nov. 1856, the abeyance of Uie Barony of Wentwoo<1 terminated. (4) She also, apparently, became entitled to the Barony of Despencer {er. by writ of summona, 17 Doc. 1387), a Barony of which the 1st Lord Wentworth aud his Bucoeasoi'S appear to have been the repi-csentatives. See p. 96, note " a."