Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/127

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WESTMORLAND. 117 Dorothy, ysi di. of Robert (Brudinbll), 2d Gabl or Oabdigan, by his Mcoad wife, Anne, dm. of Thomas (Savaob), Earl Rivkrs. He d» 8.p. 22 Sep. 1601, aged about 57.{*) Will pr. 9 ^taroh 1691/2. His widow m., as his second wife, about 1 Aug. 1697, Robert (Cohstabli), 8d VisooriiT Duhbar [S.], who d, 23 Nov. and was bw. 2 Dec. 1714 at Westm. Abbey. She d. 26 Jan. and was bur. there (as "Countess Dow. of Westmorland") 6 Feb 1739/40, aged 93. Will, dat. 23 Dec 1734 to 19 Aug. 1738, pr. 8 Feb. 1739/40. X. 1691. 4- Vbrb (Fans), Earl of Wbstmorland, Lord Lb Drsphkcsr, kc., br. (of the half-blood) and h., being 2d s. of the 2d Earl, by his second wife ; b. about 1640 ; K.B. 19 April 1661 ; LieuL-Qov. of Dciver Castle ; M.P. for Peterborough, 1671-79. and for Kent, 1679-91 ; auc to the puraye^ 22 Sep. 1691, Uking his sent 22 Oct. following ; Joint L.-Lieut. of Kent, 1692. He m. (Lio. Vic. Gen. 4 July 1671) lUche],(^*) da. and h. of John Bbnob, Alderman of London, by his first wife Jnditb, da. of Peter Amdrbws, of London. He d. 29 Dec. 1693.(0) Will pr. 10 Jan. 1693/4.(<<) His widow d, at Mereworth, 6 and was bur. there 17 Feb. 1710/1, aged 76. XL 1693. 5. Vbrb (Fanb), Earl of Wbstmorland, Lord Lb DnpiMCRR, &C., 1st 8. and h., 5. 13 April 1678; $tjfUd Lord Lr DnPINORR from 1691 till he me. to the peereuje^ as alwve ; was Major in the let troop of Horse Quards, 1697. He d. num., of a fever, 19 May 1699, aged 21.(<') Admon. 18 Jan. 1699/700. XIL 1699. 6. Thomas (Fanb), Earl of AVbstmorland, Lord db DnPKKCBR, Aa, br. and h. ; b. about 1680 ; ed. at Eton ; whs a volunteer at sea on boarrl *' The Revolution" 1697-99 ; iue. to the peerage 19 May 1699, taking his seat 6 Nor. 1704 ; was a Cent of the Bedchamber, 1706, to the Queen*s Consort, Prince Qeorge of Denmark ; Assistant Cupbearer, 20 Oct. 1714, at the coronation of Qeorge I, to whom, in 17M>, he was a Ix)rd of the Bedchamber ; Ch. Justice in Eyre, north of Trent, 1716-19 ; P.C. 1718 ; a httrd of trade and foreign plantations, 1719, being President of that Board, 1719 35 ; L.-Lieut. of Nor1»amptonshire, 1736. He in., shortly before 5 July 1707,(0 Catherine, widow of Kidiard Beaumont,(S) of Whitlev, da. and h. of Thomas Strimgrr (</. 14 May 1681) of Charleston, co, York, by Catherine, da. of Welbury Norton, of Sawley, in that county. She d. 4 Feb. 1729/30 and was bur, at Apethorpe. He d. s.p., 4 June 1736, aged about 66, at Mereworth CasUe, and was bur. at Apethorpe afsd. Will dat 21 Aug. 1727, pr. 7 July 1786. XIIL 1736. 7. John(Fanb),£arlofWbstmorland[1624],LordLb DB8PBiiORR[1264f]and Baroh BnROHiRSH[1624] also Baror Catqbii- LOUOB [1. 1733], only surv. br. and h., being 3d s. of the 4th KarL He was bap. 24 Marcli 1685 ; ed. at Bton and at Oxford ; en tiered the arm^r as Capt of Horse, 1709, serving with distinction under the Duke of Marlborough, being Lieut.-Col., in 1710, and Col., in 1715, of a Reg. of Foot ; CoL lat troop of Horse Gren. Qnards, 1717 ; Col. Ist troop of Horse Quanls, 1733-37 ; Brig. Qen., 1735 ; Major Gen., 1737, and Lieut. Gen., 1742, in the army, and finally, 1761, Gen. of the Horse. He was M.P. for Hythe, 1708-10 ; for Kent, 1715-22, and for Buckingham, 1727-83. He was er. 4 {•) He came into possesnion of an estate " about the double of what he left it " [Hiel, MSS. Comm. 10th Rep. ; app. pt. ir, p. 47]. Q*) '* In many things a verj unfortunate woman to her family. . . . From this match her husband and children received £40,000 ** [ibid]. (c) One of 8 Peers who died within about a week. See p. 51, note "e," tub " Warrington." (<l) A very good-natured man, but affected popularity too much, living in Kent, where he was greatly beloved. . . . Very forward and active in the Revolution " [ibidl (*) " A very handsome man and accomplished ffcntleman.*' There is some con- fusion as to whether 1698 or 1699 was the year of his death, but Luttrell's Diarg confirms the latter date. (0 Luttrell's DUnrg of that date, where she is credited with "a considerable fortune." She is elsewhere called " a most eicellent woman.** (S) He d, 27 June 1704, aged 26. They were m. 11 June 1699 at Kirkthorpe,