130 WHARTON — WHITELOOK. hli death aU hu honourt became extinct, unless, indeed, the patent creating the Barony of Wharton be ignored, and it be considered as having been cr. bj the writ of 80 Jan. 1644/6, in which case it fdl into abeyane€,{*^) In his will he styles himself *' Philip James," but the name of Jitmes seems to have been ouly adopted in complimeut to the titular King James HI. His widow came to reside in England and a. at her house in Qolden Square 18, being bur, 20 F«:b. 1777 at St Pancras, Midx. Will pr. 1777. [Thomas Wharton, styUd Marquess op Malmesburt, only s. and h. ap., by first wife ; 6. 7 or 11 and hap. 29 March 1719, at Winchendon, Geo. I. being one of the sponsors. He d. of the small poz, in London, 1 and was bur. 4 March 1719/20, at Winchendon, aged abcmt 1 year.] WHATTON. See Crawshaw of Grawshaw, co. Lancaster and of Whatton, co. LttcetUr," Baruny (Brooks), cr, 1892. WHICHWOOD. See "Churchill of Whichwood, co. Oxford," Barony (Spencer) er. 1816. WHITCHESTER. I.e., " SooTT OF Whitchbstbr AND EsKDALB," Barony [S.], {Scott), or, 1619 with the Earldom of Bdcolkuch [S.], and again 1663 with the ]:)ukkdou ok BuooLBUOH [S.], both of which see. WHITECHURCH. t.«., "Mauli of Whitbohurch, Viscountcy [I.] (Afaule), cr. 1748 with the Babldom of Panmurs [I.], which see ; ex. 1782. WHITEHAVEN, t.tf., **LowTHKR OF Whitbhavbn, CO. Cumberland," Viscountcy and Barony {Lowther), cr, 1797 with a spec. rem. ; see ** Lonsdalb " Knrldom. er. 1784, and again 1807. WHITELOCK. Sir Bulstrodb Whitblock, only surv. s. and h. of Sir James Whitelock» onu of the Judges of thu Court of King's Beuch, 1624-32, by r%%' i_ii- i_ ..# 'r«j 1 o... ,.«..^.«.. ..£ 11..!.... 1.. ;„ IT.-*...-- „.. i... .t_^ father *' an atheist grafted on a Presbyterian,'* the son *' a freethinker in the garb of a Roman Catholic ; " but " the one acquired power, the other lost it; the one was as cauUous as the other was reckless ; the father was a miser, the sou a spendthrift" His portrait^ ** after 0. Jervas," is engraved in ** Doyle ; " anotlier, as a younger man, is in liobinson's lAfe of Wharton. {^) The Barony was claimed in 1848-44, as one er. by writ, by Charles Kemeys-Tynte and others, dosceudauta of the daughters of the 4th Lord, who on the death, s.p.m., 1761 of the Duke's surv. sister (da. of the f>th Lord), were the repre»entatiroe of tlie 1st Lord. The House of Lords, at tlmt date, considered the Barony to have been created bu writ and that the said 0. Kemeys-Tynte was heir to one third part thereof. This decision was apparently only arrived at because the patent had not then been discovered. (b) See vol. ii, p. 84, note "o," eub Burnell" for a list of the 62 members thereof.