Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/149

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WIGTOUN — WILINGTON. 1 39 1747| at Artb. Ftincrnl entry in Lyon office. After kin death the £aridom of WigUmn and the Kanmiee er, therewith [S.] |m)Y>Ably became txiinei, neither has anyone proved a right to the o1<I Barony oj Ficwing [S.] of the creation of 1445. The titles were, however, niwunied as bflow. X. 17i7. 8. CiiARi.Es Ross Fleming, M.D., of Dublin, atMumeil the »lyU of Eaul op Wiotoun, ftc. [S.], on the death, 22 May 1747, of the late Earl, claiming to be heir male of the body of the let Earl, aa being e. of the Jiev. James Flkmikg, Rector of Castlane, or Whitechureh, oo. Kilkenny, by Magdalen, da. of the Rev. Thomas Wat, Archdeacon of Osaory, which James (a*. 1700, and d 1720), was s. of another Uev. James FLRMlNa, Hector of Hay, or llomachy, oo. Donegal (m. 1660, and d. 1684), the last James being stated to be s. of the Hon. Alexander Fleming, 4th and yat. s. of the 1st Earl.(*) He voted at the elections of Scotch Peers in 1752 and 1754 without challenge. Mis petition was referred to the House of Ijords, 29 Jan. 1762, who, on 25 March following, ordered that, till he had made out his claim, the title should be disallowed and his vote not admitted. He m. 26 Dec. 1743, Anne, sister of William Hamilton, of Killyleagh, oo. Downe. He d, 18 Oct. 1769, in Great George street, Westminster, in nis 58th year. XL 1769, 9. Hamilton Flbmino, styling himself Earl of in WioTOUN, &c [9.1 8. and h. ; an officer in the 18th Foot His 1809. petition for the above peerage was referred, 18 April 1776, to the house of Lords who, after it was heard in 1779, 1781 and 1782, before the Committee for privileges, resolved, 6 Feb. 1782, that he had no right thereto.(^) He m. 14 Dec 1769,(<^) at St. Geo., Han. sq. (Lia Cant), Mary Challot, da. and coheir of William Child, of Birthwaite Hall, co. York, by Sarah Maria, da. and oohoir of William Kookb, of Barnsley, in tbatoounty. She d. on Richmond hill, 81 Jan. 1797, aged 47. He cf. s.p.m., IS June 1809, aged 64,(<l) when IA« iuue maleo/hU great-grandfather, James Fleming, appears to have become extinct. WILINGTON, or WILLINQTON. Barony by 1. John db Wilinoton was sum. to Pari, as a Baron 'Writ- (LORD WILINGTON), from 14 June (1829) 8 Ed. III. to 16 Nov, I. 1329. (1338) 12 Ed. IIL He presumably (^) is the same person as John, s. and h. of Ralph DB Wilinoton, sometime Gov. of the Castles of Rristol, Devises and Exeter, which John, in 1288 (when apparentlv a minor), obtained large grants from Ed. I., and, in 1299, had lioenoe to crenelUte his (■) " John, 1st Earl of Wigton, no doubt had a yr. s., Alexander, father of James Fleming, which last was alive in 1654, but the claimant failed to instruct his male descent from them as he maintained (nor could it be) thro* James Fleming, Rector of Oastlane, and an earlier James Fleming, Rector of Ray." [" JUddell.**] (^) " The Lords, however, entertained grave doubts as to the authenticity of the documents produced on Hr. Fleming's behalf to establish his descent," and tho' Mr. Rose, whom they had directed to examiue them, " gave his opinion that the papers did not appear suspicious," they "appear to have taken a different view of the writings, and on the same day decided against the claim." [l/eideUl. (®) The marriage is thus recorded in the parish regiater : — " The Rt. Hon. Hamilton, Lord Fleming, Karl of Wigton, and Mary Challot Child. L.A.C." Witnesses, "Sarah Maria Child," and "Caleb Greville." The Bride's residence was in New Bond street, (<') Harriet Jane Laura, his only da and h., m. 18 Oct 1794, at Wynidisbury, Bucks, William Gyll, Capt. 2d Life Guards, and d., a widow, 6 Nov. 1818, acred 86, leaving issua See Lipscomb's Jiueks, ol. iv, p. 598, where the ped. of this branch of Fleming, which is therein deduced from the Earls of Wigton, in the manner indicated above, is set out (0) " Dugdale in his Baronage omita to notice that a John de Willington was ever sum. to Pari., but it is pretty evident it was this John whom he states bad his lands snixed, 15 Ed. II., but which were restored to him by Edward III." [Nicolatf followed by Courthope},