Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/155

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WILLOUGHBY. 145 Hertford fQjf* Ufford], eo. Suffolk, and was 5«r. at Mettingham afad. Will direoting his burial to be at Spilsbj, dat. 4 Hny 1624, pr. 1527.(*) Hia wife lurrifed him. (*) Tabufar Pedigree Bbemng the relntionship of the four branchea of the family of U'illotighby on whom (1313, 1492, 1647, and 1712) peerages were conferred : — Robert (Willlouohbt), 4th Lord Willoughby de Eresby, great grandson of the 1st Lord, so cr. in 1318 ; d. 1396. , ^ T William, T^id Wil-sp Sir Thomas Willoughby ,=f=EliBabeth Nevill, da. (whose issae longhhyde Eresby, I 3d son. j became heir) of E1iBabeth,ff«oy«fif, d. 1409. I I Dnroneas Latimer. See tab. ped. I I in Tol. ▼, p. 24. r -^ n L -I Robert, Lord W. de=r Sir Thomas Wil*"?" Sir John W., §. and h., 6.nP K., d. s.p.m. 1462. I longhby, 2d son. I about 1400. | 1 ""T Sir Richard Wkllbr, sum. "x Joan, da. and h., Sir Robert M Tx>rd Willoughby, UHA- 66 ; was afterwards Lord Welles ; beheaded and aliainUd 1469. tUA JMvrllaroncfls Willough- W., s. and W. de K., aged by, n. and h., hnight- 27 in 1462. h.,d. 1466. ed 1471. Sir John=^Anne Cheney Sir Robert Sir Rich. HA8nN08,=Joan, tuo Christopher=fs Wells, only Lord Welles jure. Bare- Vf., oitumed son, ci. s-p., 1482, tlio' styled the title of beheaded Lord Willoughby ; E.,d.s.p.s. Ijord W. de 1469. d B.p.8. 1603. 1606. E., d. 1498. heiress of Broke, or Brooke, co. I Wilts. Robert W., er,=f 1492, Lord Willoughby de Broke ; d. 1612. William, Lord^ SirOhristo-^ Sir Thomas^Bridget Eresby, on the death (1606) of his cousin, Joan ; d. s.p.m. 1626. (1) pher Wil loughby, of Parham, oo. Suffolk. (2) Willough. by, L. Ch. Justice of the C. Pleas, d. 1646. Read, heiress of Bore Place, 00. Kent. Robert,' Lord W. de Broke, d. 1621. ■Elisabeth Beau- champ, heiren. Charle8..=KatharinenrRiohard William Willoughby, cr. Robert^sf (Bran- tuo jure, don) Baroness Duke of W. de Rr- Suffolk, esby, d. d. 1646. 1680. % r BiRTis, 1647 Baron Willough- W. of d. 1682. byofPArham, ancestor Bore of the Barons Wil- Place loughbv of Parham. afsd., TiUe exdnct 1779. 8ot.84in y 1646. Edward' Willough- by, d. y.p. Peregrine(Bertie),Lord Willoughby Thomas W.,sp de Eresby, son and heir, ancestor Sheriff of of the Lords Willoughby de Kent^ 1690. Bresby, ftc. y Sir Fulke^ Grivillr, d. 1669. -BliEabeth, de jure tuo Jure, Baroness W. de Broke, d. 1660. Sir Peroival W. of Bore=r Bridget, 1st da. and co place afsd., and of Wol- laton, Nfttts, and Mid- dleton, CO. Warwick; d. about 1646. heir of Sir Francis Wil- loughby (a distinct family) of WollaUni, and Middleton, afsd. Sir Fulke Greville, RobertQre- df ^'Mti0 Lord Broke Tille,2dson, cTe W., ancestor of ancestor of the Lords Wil- the Earls loughby de Brookb, Broke. Earls op =r Warwick. ^ I Sir Francis W. of Wollaton, &c.. d. 1663.=f r J Francis W. of Wollaton and Middleton ; d. 1672.=7a r J Thomas W., cr. 1712, Baron Middleton, ancestor of the Barons Kiddleton.=T3 L