Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/222

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212 YORK. YORK {eountfj of) and YORK AND AT.BANY. Earldom. 7. William (of Albbuarlb, or D'Aumalb, called " Ijc t. 1138 Obob,**) Earl, or Oouht of Albbharli,;*) Lord of the vast territorj to ' ^ Holdemen, &e., a. and h. of Stephen db Blois, Eabl, or Coont op 11 7Q Auibiiarlb,('^) Lord of the territory aboTeiuuned, by Hawiae, da. of ^^'^' Ralph DB MoRTiiiKB, waa h. about 1117; aite. hia fatlicr (who d, in the Holy Land, 1 129) in the above dignity ; diatinguislieil himaelf greatly aa Joint Commander at the battle of " the Standard/' near Alvertiin, Aug. 118iB,(^) on behalf of King Stephen, by whom,(«) he waa conafiquently cr, then, or in the month following, EARL OP TORKSHIRE.(<*) He "aomcUmea, but rarely, atyled himielf Eurl of York, under Stephen, [but] did not, however, under Henry IL, loae hia Comital rank."(<>) He waa with Kin^ Stephen at hia defeat at Uio battle of Linooln, 1141 ; waa Gov. of Scarborough Caatle ; had taken the chmm before 1150; and waa, in March 1177, aaaenaor in the Royal Court to arbitiate between tba Kioga of Caatille and Navarre. He ». Cicely, ** of Scotland," da. of William Fm-DuHOiv, by Adeliza, da. and coheir of William lb Mbscbim and Cicely DB Romillt, the heireia of Skipton in Craven. By her he obtained the Lfirdahip of Harewood and other laige poaa o p ai ona. He d, a.p.m., 20 Aug. 1179, and was 6iir. at Thornton Abb^, co. Linooln, which (with several othera) he £id founded. After hia death the Fandom 0/ Yorhkire [llSd] ia no more homi of, but the Eartdtmi of AlhcmarU (aee that dignity) oontinued in hia da. and heireaa and her descendants. nt 1190, 1. Otho of Saxont, 2d s. of Henry "the Lion," to aometime Dukb of Sazont and Bavabia, but afterwards (only) or 1196, Bbubbwiok and Ldmbbbbq. by Maud, da. of Henry IL, whs b. or 1175, and ia said to have been er. by hia uncle, Richard I., in 1190 1200 <1 ^^ 1)> ^^^^ ^^ YORK. In 1196, he waa er, by tlmt King, ' ^^^' COUNT OP POITOU, a creation aaid(0 to have been in exchange for the Earldom of York. He waa crowned EHI'EROK OF OBRHANY, 4 July 1198. See fuller aceoonta of him in the history of that Empire. In 1200 he aent Ambaasadort to hia uncle. King John, to claim the dignitisB both of York and Poitou, but waa unaucoeaaful. He m. twice, in each case after he waa Emperor, and d a.p. 19 May 1218. Dukedom. i. Edmund (Plantaqbnbt, called "of liangley "), Earl T l^fifS ^' Caubbidob, waa cr. by his nephew, lUcliard II., 6 Aug. 1385, 1. loou. ujjj^g Qp YORK. He waa 5th but 4tb surv. s. of JEdward IIL. by Philippe, da. of William, Count ok Holland and Hainault; wms h, 5 June 1841, at King's Langley, Herts ; aerved in the wars with Krauce, and in the expedition of 1867 to Sfmin ; was K.O. (probably in Apiil), 1361 ; was cr. by his father, 18 Nov. 1862, EARL OF CAMBRIDUK. He was Cumiuandtir of the forces for Aquitoine, 1869 ; T.C, 1372 ; Warden of the Cinque ports, 1376-81 ; was one of the Council of Regency at the acoesaion of Hie IL, at whose coronation, 16 July 1877, he bore the Sceptre with the Dove ; he was chief Capt. of the army in Portugnl, 1881-88, and took part in the Scotch expedition in 1885, and waa a*., 6 Aug. 1385, (•) " Aum&le (Albemarle) ia notorioualy a difficult title, as one of those of which the bearer enjoyed Comital rank, tho' whether aa a Norman County or as an Unytuh Jiari, it ia, at ftrat, difficult to decide ; eventually, of course, tho dignity became an Engliah Earldom.'* [Itound'a Oeofrty de MandevUU.] (B) He waa spoken of at that date (1188) as " Juvenis tunc strenuissimus, et in armis muUum exercitatua." [Ethelredua ; Abba$ RievatUneU] (•) Sea vol. v., p. 86, note *' a," mb " Lincoln," as to the Earldoms er. during the reign of Stephen. (d) •' In 1188, we are told by John, Prior of Hexham (the Continuator of Simon, the Monk of Durham^ that King Stephen, elated with his success at the battle of the Standard, made William de Albemarle ' Uumitem in Hboraei Sciria ' ; be continues to describe him aa Earl of Yorkshire in 1143." [Oourthope] (•) Round's ** Geojfrey de Mandevdle,** (0 Roger de Hovedeo.