Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/240

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230 APFRNDDL APPENDIX VMMSLAQMB OMi"i"rJU>» being, for Um most pait^ those^ whose creation, 1885 to 1897,(*) was a/ier the date on which that portion of the Work had been issued, which would otherwise, accc»diiig to alphabetical anrangement, haye contaiDed them. ADDINGTON. Barony. 1. <«Thb Rioht Hon. Johh Oblubiumd Hubbabd^" T 1M7 WM «r. 22 Julj 1887, BARON ADDINOTON oi Addingtoo, oo. ^ '^ BncJringhain He, who was of Addington Muior, Bucka, wm 1st •. and h. of John Hubbabd, oi Stratfofd Grovo, Bnez, bj lUrianne, da. of John Moboav, of Bramfield plaoe, HarU ; 6. 21 March 1805, at Stratlord afad. ; was haad of tho Ann of J. Habbaid & Go," Boaua Manhanta, St Halan'a pUoa, Londoo ; « director and sometime Governor of the Bank of Rngland ; Chair- man of the PubUo Worka and Exeheqoer Loan CommiUeea, 1868-76 ; was M.P. (in the Oonaenratife interest) for Budungham, 1859-68 ; and for London, 1874-87 ; P.O., 1874 ; and waa er. • Par, 22 Juj{^) 1887, aa aboTsaUted. He sl 19 Ihy 1887, at Kew, Maria Margaret, let da. of William John (NArm), 9th Lono Napiu ov MmaHiBTOOV [S.^ hj Blin, ds. of the Hon. James OooBBAiii-JoHVsionL He d at Addingioa Manor afad., 28 Ang. 1889, in hia 85Ui year. Will pr. Marah 1890, at £111,985. Uia widow, who waa 6. 18 Manh 1817, d. thera, 18 April 1896, aged 79. XL 1889. £. EoBBTON (Hubbabd), Babon Addington [1887], 1st s. and h. ; 6. 29 Deo. 1842 ; ed. at Badley, and at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; B.A., 1865 ; M.A., 1866 ; partner in hit father'a firm in London, and in that of '< Egerton Hubbard k Co.'^ of St. Petersburg ; M.P. for Buckingham, 1874-80, and for North Bocka^ 1886-89 ; tue. to tkepeeroffe, 28 Aug. 1869 ; Lieut CoL, let Bucka Royal Vols. He «., 8 June 1880, lUiy Adekide, 8d da. of Wyndham Speneer Postal, of Malaanger Houae, Hants, by Mary Jane, da. of William Hioks Bbach, of Oakley Hall, in that eounty.4> Family AIoIm.— These, in 1888, eonsbted of 2,576 acres in Bucks, Beds, snd Kent, worth £4,887 a year. Prineip ai Sest—Addington Manor, near Winalow, oo. Book- inghatiii ALDENHAM. Barony* L Hbnbt Huoks Gibes, of Aldenham House, Herts T 1 AQfi '^d Clifton Hampden, Oxon, 1st s. and h. of George Heury Gius, of 1. I09U. ^^ ^^^ ^^.^^ DartDor in the firm of '^ Antony Qibbs & Sons," Merchants of London {d. 21 Aug. 1842 aged 56X by Caroline da. of the Rot. Charles Cbawlit, Rector of Stowe-nine-Churclies, co. Northampton (br. of (») Thus, tho' the Barony of Ashbourne, er. 4 July 1885, is omitted in the body of the work (such date being the earliest creation of any peerage which for the above named reason is so omitted) the Barony of Wandsworth, er. 19 July 1895 (ten years later), ia inaerted; the letter " W " not ha?ing been in print at that date. (^) Bight other Baronies had been already er. that month (1 to 9 July) on the occasion of Queen Victoria's (first) *'jubilea" See toI. ii, p. 238, note **a," iub " Cheylesmorsu" (•) He wss author of sereral financial pamphlets, e.^., Thg Ownttiqf qf tiU Onmliy, Mrfona or Bepiol (As incosM Tax, etc