Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/262

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252 CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. I. theBiitiDK in 1290 as the date of that dignity." line 21, aae toI. i, p. 404, under the oorriifeiida, eto., to p. iv, line 21 of that vol. ; after which itueri "Among the peraoun who enei-geticaiiy aasisted the Editor duiiug the progreaa of the work (1 884*07) are, takiDg fii>t Uioae who have |*a8Bed away before ita completion in the order of their death [1] Edmund Blontagu Botlk, iL 11 Aug. 1885 aged 40 ; [2] Hubert Kiddie Stodaut, Lyuu Clerk Depute (1863-86) d. 19 April 1886, aged 58, aa to whom aee vol. i. p. 407,' note a" ; [3| Walford Dakin Sklbt, of the Public Record Office, Editor (lSd4-8S} of The Oenealogit;* N.S., vola. 1 to 5 (in which work, from Jan. 1884 to Dec. 1889, the Krat two vols, of this Peerage were firat iaaued), who d. 3 Au^. 1889 ngv<l 45, luid aa t«> whom aee The Oeneaioyist, N.8., vol. vi, pp. 65-68; [4] Ut^irgu Huiinktt, LUD., Lyou King of Anna (1866-90) who d. 24 Jhu. 1890, tts to whom hws The UenealoyUt^ N.S., vol. vi, pp. 213-21f ; [5] Sir Uemard BURKK, Ulvter King of Arnia (1853-02), above mentioned, who d. 12 Dec. 1892, aged 80, aa to whom aee The OenealogUt, N.8., vol. iz, p. 186 ; [6] Michael J. M. Suaw-Stiwaut, aometime in the Bombay dvil service, d. 3 April 1894, aged 65. Among thoae that are atill, happily, among ua, are [7] J. Horace Kouno, F.S.A., author of Oeaffrey lie MawUviUe, uto.; [8] 0. Weutworth Watson, M.A.; [9] Joaeph Bain, F.S.A. (Scot) ; [10] il. K Cukstkr-Watbrs, M.A. ; [11] The Uev. John Wuodwahd, F.S.A., author of a moat valuable work on Heraldry ; [12] B. Wyatt QuxiiNKiBLD, F.S.A. ; [18] Sir Albert W. Woods, K.C.B., Garter, aa well aa aeveml other niemljem of the College of Arms, London ; [14] Percy Moody ; [15] W. Duncoiube Pink ; [16] Hugo F. Mknsdohff, and laat, but by no means leaat [17] I'he Hon. Vicary GiBBB, M.P., not ouly for contributiug numeniua dates, and uaiiiea of persons and places, but for aupplying many noticea of peers and peereai>es severally, from oontempoi-ary aources (more especially thoae in vola. vi to viii), and for varioua valuable suggestiona. The Editor takea tlua opportunity of mentioning that during the course of this work, a large numbcor of Lettera, Memoirs, Joumala, Obituaries and other kindred writinga have (with the aaaiatauce of friends) been carefully examined, with the result not only of correcting and amplifying many vague and doubtful atatementa appearing in works bearing on the Peerage, but of checking and confirming a still larger number. Such a field ia practically inexhaustible, and, if this enquiry be pursued, it will, aa printing makes more and more of such worka acoeeaible, be poeaible in the futures to approach much nearer, not only to correotneaa, but alao to oompleteneea, than in thia ao styled OomjpUU Peerage has hitherto been attained. p. V; cfek Unea 5 to 14, linee 23 to 27 and lines 40 to 48 ; fifr «8, 4, 5, 7, 8, 0, 10/' read " 2, 8, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8." p. Vii ; line 15, /or " Hewlett, jur." read '< Hewlett's Jur." p. Tiii ; line 6 for "practise " read *< practice " ; lines 24 and 25, for " him." read " MIC." and /or ** summ." read " sum." p. X ; line 18, for " Badenock," read '* Badenooh." p. Xi ; line 8, after "granted " add " or confirmed " ; line 10, for ** in 1248 " read " about 1255 " ; line 20, for " (4 Kdw. I., 427576) " read "129091 (19 Kd. 1.)"; line 28, for " Mede, Vandour," read " Meath, Vauoouleura " ; line 40, for " h." read " cohek." p. Zii ; line 14, t^fter thedaU" 1500 " in$ert " (») " at a reference to noU "a," tokiek inaert at under, — " Lynch impliea that the subinfeudations in Ireland developed (at leaat in some instancea) into Baroniea of the Realm aa under the Orown, but not at under the meene Lorat, None of the U later Baroniea however, aeem ao to have 'developed,' nor apparently any of thoae of Connaught, etc. This IKMaibly waa due to the simple fact that the Irish reaction drowned them and that ouly the Baronies * of Uie pale * (in the east) survivu<1 [ex inftfrm. J. Horace Bound] ; lines 18 and 19, deie from " alao " down to '* Preface) " ; linea 19 and 21, for "(8)" "(4)" read "(2)" "(8)"; line 22, deU the teeond "aa" ; line 24, for "Barons" read "Barony"; between lines 80 and 81, intert "Abuvdkl of the Strand, co. Cork, temp. Hen. IV." ; laat line, after " {Barry) " intert *' see Oarbery." p. Ziii ; line 25, after the %ord " Cabbirt " intert " (b),'* at a reference tonoU*'b** which intert at iiiufsr.— " The Barony of Carbery ia the greatest in Ireland ; part of it consisted of ' the modern Barony of Ibawue auu Barriroe . . . The