Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/267

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CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. I. 257 1805 ; a1m> LL.D. of the UdIti. of Aberdeen, Toronto, Ottawa, ke," ; line 89, add " She was ft. 14 March 1857 " ; line 41, add *< H. at Harrow " ; hnak, and add at end nf page as under — '* Family iCitoiei— These, in 1888, constated of 62,422 acr«8 in Aberdeenshire, worth £44,112 a year. Principal Betidenee-^ Haddo House, oo. Aberdeen.'* p. 12 ; line 2, far " Viaconnt," read " Visoountcy " ; line 3, for " Earl," read " Earldom " ; line 5, ft>r '* Lord,'* read '* Barony " ; include lines 8 to 14 within square braekeU ; intert between lines 14 and Ifi as under — " icL, ' AuBioirr, DAfJCKiTH, Torboltouv, AND Abrrdour,* Barony [S.] (Stuart), er, 1581, wiUi the Dukidom op Lrhhox [S.], which see ; ex. 1672 *^ ; line 21, /or " Hen. II.,*' read "Hen. IIL"; line 25, add "(*)'* after "cniitlo of Aborgavenny,*' and imert the said note tu under — <« ^a^ < rpnketh his name from the river of Oevennif, whereon it is situate, and the British word Abber, which signifieth a mouth,' the Castle being built where the * Qevenny doth open itself to the end of the IJske ' [Doderidge'a Treatim of the AobilUy, 1642, p. 144]" ; Une 27, dde ** s. and h." p> 13 ; lines 10 and 11, for " the wardship and marriage of," reoKf " in wardship and marriage " ; line 18, dele the marks between " 11 " and " John " ; line 88, for

  • < 1891," read *' 30 Dea 1889 " ; note («), lines 8 and 4, /or " er. by writ, 1264,"

rM<l "[1295].' " OP," read " DB." p. 15 ; line 8, for " OF," read " dr " ; Une 4, for " was," read " h. about 1897, being,- after <« 1411," intert " K.B., 8 April 1418 ; J<mit Warden of the Welsh marches, e.' 1415; Capt of 50 Lances and 120 Archers in Normandy, 1418"; line 6, for "1420," read "Feb. 1420/1 (^)*' and ineert as the eaid noto— "(*«) 'The charter or patent for this creation does not appear to have been enrolled ' [Courihope] ;" line 8, after "Richard Lb Orsprmorr," ineert "de Jure, apparently Lord BuROHRRSH " ; line 10, afUr " s.p.m.," intert " 16 April " ; line 11, after " Tewkes- bury," add, " At his death his vast estates and the representation of his Barony deTolved on his only da. and h. (as below), but the Barldom of WoreetteTf apparently, reverted to the Crown*' ; line 12, after " who," ineert, was, apparently, iuo jure Baronrrs Borobrrrh.*' p. 16 ; line 2, dele " K.O. " ; line 8, for " 1440," read « 1439 " ; line 7, for " op," read " DR '* ; line 8, for " 1426," read " 18 Oct. 1424 (will of her husband's father) " ; line 9, for " which year,** read " 1426 " ; line 10,/or "6th,*' read " 11th and yst " ; line 11, for " 4th," read " 9th " ; line 19, for " 1447 " tead " 1447(T and imert M the taU note " («) The dates of * 14 June 1447 ' for her death and of ' 15 Oct 1448 * as that of the lie. for the marriage of her su ccess or, are impugned by James Gairdner [in his edition of the Patton Lettere, toI. L, p. 897], chiefly on tlie ground that her son, George Nevill, is said by Dugdale to have been 26 in Out 1476, which (if implying that he was no more than 26, inatead of, as is more usual, 26 and upwards), would make him bom in 1450. This dale for his birth 'which would make him, at the age of 21, to be the father of a son, who, but 12 years afterwards, was made K.B.), is corrected in Oourthope, who makes his age 86 (not 26) in the said Oct. 1476." p. 17 ; line 21 (in centre),/or " 1440," read " 1489 " ; next line (opposite right hand), for " 1448,'* read " 1449 " ; line 26 (opposite left hand), for " In 1450," read " In 1449 " ; lines 4 and 5 from bottom (opposite left hand), /or " 8 June 1448," read " 8 Jan. 1448/9." p. 18 ; Imes 1, 14 and 29, for " •Sir," read " Sir " ; lines 4, 19 and 81, for " Pabl.," read "Paru,(««)*' and inecH a$ the $aid note— "(••) There is proof in the rolls of pari, of his sitting"; lines 8 and 16, at to the date, ** 1448," and tk$ age of " 36,'* see Corrigenda (abore) to p. 16, on line 19 ; lines 14 and ^,tor " *Groror," read " Groror " ; line 16, after " Durham," ineeH " He was Knighted by Ed. IV., 9 May 1471 ; waa." Commence note "a** at under^" The origin of the Nevilles is shewn by J. Horace Round in his Feudal England to be from Dolphin Fits Uchtred (who received * Staindropshire ' from the Prior of Durham in 1131), whose grandson, Robert Fits Meldred, of Raby, married Isabel de Neville, 8