Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/272

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262 CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. I. Tork, and MARQUKSS OF AILBSBURT, oo. Baekiogham. He m. fintlj at Floreooe, 10 April 1703, HenrietU Maria, lat da. of Noel (Hill), Ut Baboh Bbbwick OF Attimquav, by Anna, da. of Henry Vbbmun. 8he d, in Qroeveuor square, 2 and waa bur. 11 Jan. 1831| at Maiilden afad. Admon. Jan. 1840. He m. seoondly, 20 Aug. 1888, at Ham Houae in Peterabam, Surrey, Maria, yst da. of the Hon. Charlea Tollbmachb {fT. a. of Louiaa, guo jure CouNTBsa of Dtbabt [8.]) by bia second wife, Gertrude Florida, da. of Gen. William Gabdimbb. He d. at Tottenbani park, 4 and vaa bur, 12 Jan. 1856, at Great Bedwyn, Wilta, aged 82. Will pr. July 1856. Hia widow, who was 6. 27 Got. 1809, d. 7 May 1898 aged 83(*) and waa bur. at PeterBbam.(0 Will dat. 24 July 1891 pr. at £74,920 personalty. Karqueasate.' II. Barldom. VI. iB and S. Giorqb William Frbdbbigk (BbUDBHBLL-BbUOB), MaBQUBBB of AlLBaSUBT, fto , lat . X856. '* '^^ ^' ^y ^"^ ^"^^ '* ^' ^^ ^^^* ^^^^> *^ Lower GroaTenor atreet and bap. at St Geo., Han. aq., Geoiige III. and bia Queen being aponaors ; tlyUd Lobd Bbucb, 1814-21 and Eabl Bbuob, 1821-56 ; matric at Oxford (Gb. Cb.) 2 Got 1822 ; M.P. for Mariborougb, 1826-80 ; Lieut.-Col. Com. Wilta Yeomanry, 1885, of which, in 1876, be became Hon. Col. ; waa aum. to pari. v.p. 10 July 1838, in bia fathers Barony aa IX)RD BllUCK OP TOTTENHAM ; iuc. to the BiarqueiatUe of il»2ei6ury, &&, aome 16 yeara later, 4 Jan. 1856 ; Yeomanry aide-de-camp to the Queen, and Colonel, 1857 ; P.O. 1859 ; Master of the Horse, 1859-66 and again 1868.74 ; L. Lieut of WUta, 1868 ; KG. 25 May 1864. By the deatb of his cousin the 7tb Earl of Cardigan, 27 May 1866, be tue. as EAKL OF CARDIGAN [16611 »d BARON BRUDENELL OF STONTON [1628] aa a2fo oa a £aronei [1611]. He m. 11 May 1837, at St Geo., Han. Sq., Mary Caroline, da. of George Augustus (Hbbbbbt), lltb Eabl of Pbmbbokb, by bia aeound wife, Simon Count Wobomsow, of Rusaia. He d, a. p. 6 Jan. 1878 at Savemake, aged 78, Mud waa bur, tbere. His widow, who was 6. 22 March 1813, d. 20 Jan. 1892, at 78 Pall Mall and was bur. from Savernake, aged 78.(«) Will pr. at £66,716. Marquessate. III. Earldom. VII. 3 and 4* Ernbst Auqustus Charles (Bru- denbll-Bbdob), Mabqukbb ov Ailbbbubt, Eabl of 1878 Cabdxqan, &o„ br. and b. ; 6. 8 Jan. 1811, at Warren'a Hotel, St. James' square : wtyled Lobd Ebnbst Bbucb, 1821-78 ; ed. at Eton and at Trin. Coll., Cambridge ; M.A.. 1831 ; M.P. for Mariborougb, in 11 Parla., 1832-78 ; a Lord of the Redebamber, 1834-35 ; P.C, 1841 ; Vice- Cbamberlain of the Housebotd, 1841-46 and 1853-58 ;iuetothc peerage, 6 Jan. 1878. He m. 25 Nov. 1834, at St. Geo. Han. sq., I^ouiaa Kliisabeth, 2d da. of Jobn (Hobslbt- Bbbbbpobd), 2d Babom Dboibs [I.], by Charlotte Philadelphia, da. and h. of Robert Hobslbt. He d. at Savernake 18 Oct 1886, and waa bur. at Great Bedwyn, aged 75. Will pr. 14 Jan. 1887, above £55,000 p<nionaUy. Hia widow who waa 6. April 1814, d. 14 Oct 1891, at Villa Marbella, in Biarnts, and waa bur, at Qreat Bedwyn, aged 77.(«) Will pr. 22 Jan. 1892 above £26,000 personalty. Marqueisate.' IV. Earldom. VIII. 4 and 5, Gborob William Thomas (Bru- dbnell-Bbucb), Mabqub83 of Ailbbbubt, Eabl ov 1886 Cabdigan, &c., grandson and b., being only a. and b. of George John Bbudbnbll-Brucb, Lieut 14th Huaaars, l^ Evelyn Mary, 2d da. of Williaiii (Cbavbn), 2d Earl of Cbavbn, which George John waa lat a. and h. ap. of the late Marqueaa, but d, v.p., 28 May 1868, aged 29. at Ajaccio in Coraioa, ten years before bia said father's aoceaaion to the peerage. He waa 6. 8 June 1868 ; ed. at Eton ; waa tlyled Visooumt Savkrnakb, 1878-86, and »uc. to the peerage^ as above, 18 Oct 1886. He m. 6 May 1884 at the Registry office, St Geo. Han. sq., "Julia («) Nearly 60[!] years the "evergreen Marchioness Maria," sprightly, gay and universally popular, was a conatant frequenter of London |)artie8 and oountiy race courses, and waa to be seen in Hyde rark with flaxen hair (or wig), driving two ponies, generally preceeded by two outriders. (0 She waa one of the four Marchionesses of Ailesbury who flourisbed from 1886 to 1891 ; Me p. 268, note '<h."