22 VAYASOUK — YKBL. VAVASOUR. Sanmr by 1. Sib William Lji Vaya8odb,(") of Haaelwood, oa ^'^^ York, whose aeiiul pu«otag« (tho* defended fruin an ancieot funfly L 1 299. ^'"V aeitled tiicre) Is not very clcar,(^) havjog serfed Id tba van in Oaaeony and Sootlaod, bad Iml to creoallata his hooss al Haaalwood [1289-90). 18 Ed. I. ; was sum. to Gkrikia "cfvatfcraiu" smoog the BanMM, 28 Sep. (1298) 26 Ed. f., and wassmn. to PSii sa a Baron (LORD YAYASOUB) fr«n 8 PsbL (1298/9) 27 Ed. L to 7 Jan. (1312/3)8 Ed. IL He aL Nichola, sister to Sir Biehsid and da. oC 8ir 8te|»hen Walbti^ of Newton. He dL (1312-13) 8 Ed. IL IL 1313, t. Waltbr (Lb VatasourX LoBD Vayasour. & and h.(*) to was som. to Pari. 28 July (1313) 7 Ed. IL, but never siterwarda, nor 1325 1 was any other of his family. *« He fL up., lesving EKihfth. only dilld of his br., Sir Robert Yavasoar (d. 18 Ed. IL), kk nieesand heir."(<l) VEEL. Pbtbb db Vbbl^ or^ posatblj, Lb VbbL|(*) who, in (1336) 10 Ed. III., had the curtody of the eouuty of Devon, fte., was, by writ direeted
- ^PHrpdt Vtd" one of 98 peraona aum. 28 Feb. (1341/2), 18 Ed. IIL, ton
eooncil, net a rtgular Pari., tho' often erToneoQaly(0 held to have been oneL(>) VENDOSME. The titio of " Earl op Vbkdosub and Bbaumont,** was borne, in 1431-32, by Robert (Wiux>uaBBT), Lord Wu4jr>uoHBT vm Ebbbt; whom (*) The name ia derived from that of some dignity and ia considered by Feme (•'.fitoam of OaUrie*' p. 102) as the equivalent of •* Banneret.** The " Paassorei Segi$ " who occur in Domesday book, sre, says Selden ('* Tida of Hottomr" p. 825), •'much the same ss Liberi komiuet JEe^u." Chaucer, in lus description of the Frankelein, or great Freeholder, aaya of him that there '* Was no whcr swiche a worthy Yavasour." [Lower'a *' Famity JVaaiei."] (i») M Dugdale atates him to have been s. of Robert Le Yavaaor by Jultsna, da. of Thomas de M niton, but according to (>ullins (Baronelaye, voL ii, p. 130) he wss son of John Le Vsvssor, by Alice, da. of Robert de Cockfield [nc but at the reference given the name ia ' Rookfield '], which seems confirmed by a MS. pedigree of the family in the Minster Ubrsry at York, as also the Originalia Record {Orig., 23 Ed. I, rot 13) that aa a. and h. of Alice he did homage for the landa of his mother, which she held of the Barony of Baieux." [Bauks*s <' ^or. Augl. Come,"] According to ** N. ds d" (7th S.L, 249) the wife of " John, Lord Vsvssor of Haslewood," ia " sUted' in the eschest rolls of Ed. IIL" [sic] to be (not *< Alioe Cockfield " or "Rookfield " but) "Alicia, 2d da. of Jordan de SancU Maiia, and Alicia, da. of Bertramua HageL" If the parenta of William, Lord Vavaaour, are here indicated, the each. roU must relate to aome much esriier period than ita data. («) The affiliation ot this Walter (ss a. and h. of WiUiam, Lord Vavasour) is on the authority of Courtliope. KiooUa, following Dugdale, does not attribute any imue to thst William, ssying of Walter, that he is " presumed to have been nearly related" to ' the said William. Aa Courthope, however, speaka (see note " d *' below) of having conaulted divers pedigrees of the family, he, doubtless, had good grounds for correcting " NicoUu " in the matter. (d) <« Oourdkope," where it is added that this Elisabeth "m. Sir Robert StreUy of Kottinghamahire, whose representation in the male line continued till about the reign of Kiug Henry VI 11., when John Strelly, Esq., ob. s.pLm., and among thereprssentativea of his fourdsughten end colieirs, viz, (1), Anne, wife of Sir Ri^ard Stanhope ; (2) Margaret, wife of John PowtreU ; (3) Isabel, wife of Clement Low ; and (4) Elisabeth, wife of William Aiscough, this dignity is in alcyenee. It is to be remarked, that although all the Vavasour pedigrees consulted by the Editor [OouHkope] concur in giving a daughter and heir to Sir Robert Vavasour, there sre two Inauisitions made upon his decease, in both of which his brother, Henry, is stated to be his heir, and if the said Henry were not only heir male, but heir general of hia brother, the representation of the dignity would be now vested in the heir or oohsin of Vsvaaonr,