Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/341

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COnRlQBNDA, ETC., TO VOL. It. 331 4Ui in deweni from George, the 4th Earl, who d. 1582. He wai 6. 81 Hfty 1827, wm for rnnny yenre r Bunker and Chartered Aooountant in Aberdeen ; iue, to ike fmrage [S.] 28 May 1889| eetabltahing hia claim before the Sheriff in Chancery [&] and Toting in the election of Scotch neera in Jan. 1800. He m. 27 April 1866, at St. Andrew'a R|>iaco|Nil Church, Aberdeen, Janet, only da. of Roderick MaoLbod, M.D., Phyaieian to Ht. George'a Hoapital, 1888-46, by Margaret Gambier, da. of (another) Roderick MaoLiod, D.P.. Rector (1 806-45) of St. Anne'a, Soho. He d. of inflammation of the lunga, 20 Jan. 1891, in his 64th yenr, at 2 Queen's Gardens, Paddington, and was hur, at St Matthias, Old Aberdeen. Will pr. at £16,689. His widow, who waa 6. 28 Sep. 1829 and 5ap. at St Anne'a, Soho, lif iug 1898. XXXVII. 1891. 17, John Suthbrland (Sikolair), £arl of CAiTHHns [S. 1455], and a Baronet [S.], lat a. and h., h. 17 Sep. 1857 in Aberdeen, and hap. at St. PauVa there ; ^i^jUd Lord Bbbhibdalb from May 1889 till he sue. io (As t^utq^ [S.], aa above 29 Jan. 1891." line 26, a/Cer " Dublin," add ** Will pr. May 1802 "; line 28. after " 1777," add •• ed. at Ch. Ch. Oxford "; line 81. for *' Cupt," read *' Cape "; line 82, Jfor " the realm,*' read "Kngland**; line 86, after *< 1839," add *'at Caledon house, oo. Tyrone. Will pr. Aug. 1839'*; line 37, for " Tiitenhanger park, Herta," read

  • ' Ty ttenlianger, Herta. Will pr. 22 Sep. 1863, under £14,000"; line 89, q/%sr

'* 1812,'* add ** in London ; e<l. at Ch. Ch., Oxfr»rd "; line 43, after " 1855," add " in Carlton terrace ; 6ur. iit Caledon. Will pr. Aug. 185o'*; last line»/or "was living 1887," read ** cf. 80 March 1888, at Tytteuhanger park afad." p. 117 ; line 19, after *' 1692," add " Hia widow liviug Feb. 1704, being then described in Col. Hooke's eorreepondenee as ' grand Jaoobitte, femme de grand esprit et de grand credit ' "; line 21, for " 1675," read " 1695." p. 118: line 10. after " Rbp. Pkir PL]," add ** 1801—1815, being one of the first 28 so elected "; line 25, for <* He a.," rrnd *' by Mary, yst da. and coheir of Lieut* Cnl. Timothy Carr. He (L of a violent fever in Gnisvenor square"; line 26, after " M.I.," add " Will pr. 1798 "; after " 1827." add " at Brighton. Will pr. June 1827"; line 28, after "1786," add "oil (1799) at Winchester"; line 29, after '< 1807," add « Admon. July 1807 "; line 81, after •' 1787," add " ed. at St John'a ColL, Cambridge; B.A, 1808 "; last line, after *< 1859-68," add ** eue. to the peerage, 2 May 1868. He d. num. 25 June 1898, in his 67th year, at 88 Grosvenor sq. Will pr. at £297,902. VI. 1893. 6. AuoxTETUs Cholmondblby (Gouoh-Galthorfb), Baron Caithorpb [1796], also a Baronet [1728], next br. and h.; 6. 8 Nov. 1829, at Elvetham; High Sheriff of Staffordshire, 1881 ; eue. to the peerage 25 June 189a He m. 22 July 1369. at St PauKa, Knightobridge, Maud Auguata Louisa, 8d and yet da. of the Hon. Octaviua Duncombr (yr. a. of Charlee, Ist Barov Fbviii- SHAM or DuHOOMBR Park), by Kmtly Caroline, da. of John Frederick (Campbell), 1st Earl Cawdor op Castlbmartht. She was 6. 14 Jan. 1850."«r A p. 119 ; in margin, fer ** 1861 1 " read *< 1861." Line 85, for << Theodorio, ConRT op CLBYn," read ** Godfrey Df Brabart, SiRR d'Abrsbot (^)," and add ae eaid note « ^bb) xhis ig proved by Butkens, from various chartera, contradicting the state- ment (aa to Theodorio, Count of Oleves) of Teschenmacher. He is careleaaly called Sire de Brabant et Aerehot (an impoaaible deaignation) in L' Art de ver. lea datea "; linea 48 to 45, dele " of " to end, and intert ** waa surrendered by his s. and h., William, Duke of Juliers, on 15 June 1866, to Ed. III. [Uymer's Fcsderay Note (»), line 1,/or " He d," read " In Round's Oef. de MandevSU

  • tk shadowy Earldom of Cambridge, known to ua only from an inspezimus,

temp. Ed. IIL,' is not included among the Earldoms created by King StepheUt as to which creations see VoL v., p. 86, note (*), f«6 ' Lincoln.' This William." pi 120 ; line 12, dde the brackets ; line 21, for '* Edward," read " Edmund "; line 22. after " aecondly," add " about 1414 "; line 28, fer '« about 1446," read ** 26 Aug. 1446, and was W. in the monaatery of St RcMhe. Will dat 15 Aug.. pr. 4 Sep. 1446, at York.- P* 121 ; Une.2, fir** 99 April 1441/' read " S8 April 1442."