Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/374

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364 CORRIGENDA, ETO., TO VOL. UI. Mid Thomaa, in oonaeqaeDoe of hia death, 20 Not. 1686, in the lifetime of (Earl RiTen), the then Lord, but doToWed (together with that Earldom, fto.)» as onder]. p. 23 ; line I, for ** DB MRINILL," read " AND METNILL." Note(»X line 17, M " 1667," read " 1668 "; for " d. 1687 or 1602," read " d. 1602." p. 24 ; line 10, for *< nnder," read " under"; line 17, /t *< 19," read " 16": line 81, after ** afiid.," add " Hia widow(«) d. at York, 9 Aug. 1768," ineeriiny aeaaid noU, " [^^) It ia posaibly that the 2d and 8d wivea should be traospoaed, for Anne (Stawel), ia said to have m. John Babkr, as a 2d husband "; line 48, for " by (— )," read **by Elisabeth von MtiasiMOSN." p. 26 ; in margin, for the second " 1 864," read *M 864 to 1 891." In sinister, or outer, margin, after "1838," add <'«c 1891." line 83, /t "there, 11," read "at Laneton Orange, oo. Durham, 4"; laat line, after "1803," add " H« d s.|). 21 Aug. 1891, whena^j kU honourt, save the Barony of Barnard, became extind." p. 26 ; lines 2 and 4, for "Stbwabt," read "Stuabt "; lines 2 and 6, after "Demeley," add " or Damley "; line 11, >br *< since," read " after "; dde *< to him "; Une 89, for " at," read*' in"; afUr " d.." add " there." p. 27 ; line 16, fw " widow, d, 28," read " who waa 6. 18 Oct 1747, d. 27 "; line 17, afUr ** Wells," add '*M.I. at Bidborough"; line 26, <r//#r "following," add " at Leamington "; Une 82, afier " timber," add " at Cobham Hall "; line 42, for " She," reoii " He if. auddenly, of angina peotoria, at Clifton lodge, near Athboy, oo. Meath, 14 Deo. 1896, in hia 70th year, and waa hw, 21, at Cobham. His widow, who"; afUr "1829," add "waa living 1898 "; dde lines 48 and 44, and inuH M wkdj»^ — YII. 1896. 7. Edwabd Hbnrt Stuart (Buoh), Earl of Darnlbt [1726], VucouHT Darmlit of Athbot, and Baron Curroif op Rath- MORI [1728], in the peerage of Ireland, also Lord Cuvtom ov Lbiohton Brombwolo [1608], lat s. and h., 6. 21 Aug. 1861, at Cobham Hall afsd. ; styled Lord Cuitoh till 1896 ; ed. at Eton, and at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; ««4«. (o iht j^rage, as above, 14 Deo. 1896. p. 28: line 8, for "well," read "<f. 18 Oct 1670, having been well"; line 10, after " 1647," and line 29, after " 1672," read " ed. at Westm., and at King'a Coll., Cambridge"; line 86, for "July," read "at Aylesford, 18 July"; line 40, for "Lkog, elyled," read '*Lrogb, Uyled after 1711"; line 42, after "m.," add " about 27 March 1722." Note (•}, Une 1, /or " unparslled," read "unparalleled." 1^ 29; line 1, for « 1786," read " 1736/6 "; Une 2, /or " Ist Earl," read " 8d Baron, and afterwards (1762), 1st Earl "; Une 8, after " April 1745," add " aged 38, in Limdon, and was bur. 1 May, at Wrozton"; line 14, after *'1765." add "at St Geo. the Martyr, Queen sq., Midz."; after " Catherine," a<f J "Gonnter"; /or "Gunter NiOHOix, K.D.,'^ read "Gounter Nicoll, K.B., by Elisabeth (afterwards Ddohiss op Anoaitbr), da. of William Blundill, of Basingstoke "; line 16, for "BUckhesth," reaif "Blackheath"; line 82, a/ilo- *<1761," add in Grosvenor square, and bap, 8 March "; last Une but one, after " 1822," add " in Berkeley square." p. 30 ; line 10, for " She," read " He d. 4 Aug. 1891, aged 67, at 40 Grosvenor square, and was bur. at Patahull. His widow, who "; after " 1882," add " waa Uving 1898 "; deU Unas 11 to 17, and intert at under— Barldom. 6 and 7. William Hbnkaob ([.bgoe), Earl of yj I Dartmouth [1711], Yiboount Liwishaic [1711], and Baron m891 Dartmouth [1682], 1st s. and h.. 6. 6 April 1861, in Hill street; lii^i>A« V I ' ^y^ VisoouMT LiwisHAM, 1 868-91 ; ed. st Ktou, and at Ch. Ch. , jiarony. Oxford, matria 19 May 1869 ; waa M.P. for West Kent. YIII. J 1878-86, and for Lewisham, 1886-91, being for several years the Conservative '* Whip " in the House of Commons ; Vice Chamb. of the Household, June 1886 to Feb. 1886, and Aug. 1886 to 1892; me. to tha peerage, ss above, 4 Aug. 1891 ; L.-Lieut of Staffordshire, 1891. He m. 18 Dec. 1879, at Holkham, co. Norfolk, Mary, 4th da. of Thomas WiUiam (Cokr', 2<i Karl of LnoRSTSR of Holkham, by his first wife, Juliana, da. of Samuel Charles Wuitbiibad, of CardingtoD, Beds. She waa 6. 18 Sep. 1849.