Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/383

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CORRIGBNDA, BTG., TO VOL. IH. 878 p. 91 ; in margin, for « 1266." rtoA " 1295." Una % nJUr ** ETeBhim/' oiU "when presanmbly all ki$ kinumr$ became farfeiUd*'; for " Am" read " Alyne"; line 8, after " h. of." odd "Sir"; line 4, for "his wife," read *«or Rla, da. of VViniam (Lonorsprb), Earl ok Salibburt "; line 5, fffter " 1306,'* add

    • Qhe d, in or beft)re 12P0"; between lines 5 and 6, imerl a Une; line 16, /or
  • <6deiity," read << fidelity." Top note, lines 7 and 8, d»U **is indeed" to

" 1296," and itt$£rt " was also (like De Ros and Le Despenoer) in the writ of 1264, and (like Mowbray) in that of 1288"; line 9, after '^ infra," add "toI. iii., p. 94, tub ' 1604 ' in the text" p. 92; line 7. /or "1826 to 1827," rttui '< 1886 to 1887"; line 14, /or "(let," read '* Ist "; line 16, for ** Qrardison)," read " (Qranduoh)." Top note, line 6, far '< Aleanoroe," remi *'Alianora." p. 93; in margin, /or "1440," read '*1489." Lin«« 88, for "Jan. 1439/40," read " 26 Dec 1489." Note (»), lines 8 and 4, dele " (who " to " digniUes)." p. 94 ; line 36, for *' first," read <* first "; line 27, for " Despenser," read •* Despenoer." p. 95 ; line 6, for " 1602," read " 1684 "; line 29. afUr " at/' read « 8t." Note («), line 9, for " wmdrae," read " voudrae," Note (K), for ** si. (~) Lee," rssif "Rachel Fanny Antonia, 6. about 1774, m. about 1794 (* £46,000'), Matthew Allen Lee, known as 'Handsome Lee," from whom she soon separated. Her enreer was a very wild one. and from 1810 till her death, early in 1829, she ohose to caU herself BARONESS LB DESPENOER." p. 96 ; in margin, /or " 1882," read " 1081." Line 12, after *' Antigua," add "bv Alice, da. of Ool. William Btaii, of Byams in AnUgna "; line 20. after " 1822," add *' and bap. at Rotherfield Grays, Oxon "; line 21, fn- " Visoouirr," read " Yn- oooMT"; line 22, after "70," add "The Baroness, d. 20 Nor. 1891, In St James' square, aged 69. XVIII. 1891. 18. EvBLTN Edward Thomas (Bosoawbn), Visooukt Falmouth [1720], Lord Lb Dispriicbr [1295 11 and Barom Bosoawrm- RnsB [1720], s. and h., 6. 24 July 1847 ; eue, hiefatker^ 6 Not. 1889, in the peerof/e of Falmouth, he, and etie. hit mother, 20 Not. 1891, in the ancient Barony of Le Deepeneer. See " Falmouth " Viscountey, er. 1720, under the 7th Visoonnt" Note (0), line 1, for " €rsi;," read " erm.) in." p. 97 ; line 9, ^ '* 9th," read " 4th "; Une 11, ^fter *' 1770," add '< ed. at Trin. C<>ll., Oambridge ; M. A., 1784 "; lines 16 and 17, dde (eed qwry) "; for " as his 1st wife)," read '* (or rather went thro' the form of marriage with) "; last line^ for " 1889," rsmf " 1898." Note (»), line 1, for '* 1426," read " 1424." Note (<>), Une 10,y«r " 1876," read " 1826." p. 98 ; in margin, for " 1887," read " 1887 to 1896." Line 8, e^ '* h.," add " by first wife '^; line 4, e^er ** F.S. A.," add " He d. unm. 22 Not. 1895, in the Isle of Wight, and was our. at Little PeoTer, aged 60, when ike peerage became extinct, tho' the Baronetcy deToWed on a distant cousin and h. male.(«) Will pr. at £87,461 "; add ae taid note («) He wns in politics a Libeml, and is spoken of as 'a true poet, a scholar of Tery Taried accomplishments, A skilled numiamatist,' fto., in a notice of him by Theodore Watts. [AtheneBum, 80 Not. 1895]"; line 19, for "at AquiUne," read <'in Aquitaine"; line 81, after « Guy," add '* DB Bbtam "; line 83, /tn- '*Sir Qnj DB Bribn," read '* Guy, Ix)RD Brtav "; line 85, after '* Fits waiter," add " His widow m. Sir John DB Uos, and subtequently, before 5 F«b. 1398/9, Henry (Lb Scropb), IiORD Sgropb DB Masham, and d. a. p. 19 Not. 1406." p. 99 ; in bending, for " V8*ci," read " Vesci." Line 11, after '* 1804," add "at Abbeyleix. Will pr. 1804 in Preiog. Ct. [I.]"; line 15, after " 1800," oiU " at her mother's house. Merrion sq., Dublin"; Une 18, ^fter **1840," add "at Kingstown " ; line 84, for <* 21 May 1844," read ** 4 June 1872."