Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/397

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CORRIGENDA, RTO., TO VOL. lU. 387 oiBoe "; line 9, jor " Cbiohtoii, thA " (Cbiohtom) "; Hm 10, •flit "geoondly," add " 2 Feb. 1678/9 "; line 11, aS%9f " Moorhouee/' ad<f " by Blinbeth, da. end h. of John OoMBMAL, of Gomenal. Shed. B.p. Will dei. 18 April 1698"; line 85, nJUr " wife," add '< ed. (1789) at Winoheeter." p. 243 ; line 4, for " da. and h.," read " lit da. and ooheir "; line 6, «//«r " Hanii/tov," add "of Bourtreehill, oo. Ayr"; line 7, irfter *<Jbrvi8," add '* From herO>) he wui divorced "; line 22, for <* Feb.," read '*at Eglinton Oastie 17 Jan."; last line, for « (by that Utie)," read "m Earl of Eglinton [only], no mention being made of the Earldom of Winton [S.])." Note (^), lines 8 and 4, deU " If these " to the end. p; 244 ; line 18, for <« 1866," read '* 1886 '*; line 19, for *< Abbey." rtad " He d. at Eglinton Castle, 80 Aug. 1892, aged 50, and was hwr. at Eilwinnlng. Personalty £205,516. XIY. 1892. 15, Georgb Arnulph (Moktoomsrii), Earl op Eglintoun [1508] and IjORD Mortooubrib [1449 t], in the peerage of Sootland, also Earl op Wirtor [1859] and Baror Ardrossar [1806], only sunr. br. and h. male, being 8d and yst. s. of the 18th Earl ; 5. 28 Feb. 1848, in St. James' square ; ed. at Eton ; sometime Lieut Gren. Guards, retiring 1869 ; me. to the peerage, 80 Aug. 1892. He m. 13 Nov. 1873, Janet Liicretia, da. of Boyd Alexander CuRiNaHAMB, of Craigends, co. Renfrew, by Mary, da. of John Wilkirsor, of Australia. [Archibald-Skton Montooherie, styled, since 1892, Lord Mont- GOMBBIB, Ist s. and h. ap. ; 5. 28 June 1880]." Note («) eondude "The facts, howeyer, are tijese. William Lou?e], Seiffneur d' Ivry, sua bis brother, Robert (not his father), about 1119. His son, Walerao, wa« ancestor to the Seigneurs d* Ivry in Norrosndy, a sufficiently well known fitniilv ; the f>iily bmtlier of Watemn, whose existence can be proved, is Robert, who M not mentioned by English Genenlogists at all. The identity of this family with that ot the Counts of JSgmont ' in Flanders ' (really in North Holland) is an impudent fioton. [G. W. Watson ; see also Oenealo^tf N.S., i, p. 6]." p. 245 ; Une 18, for " 1757." read " 1762"; line 24, for " 69," read "69(<«) "; and add ae eaid note " (<*) His 8d son. the 2d s. of his 2d wife, was Sfienoer Perceval, who, when Prime Minister, was assassinated in the House of Commons, 11 May 1812, in hU 50th year." Note («), lines 1, 9, 12, 20, 24 and 27, for ** Holland,^' read "Holand"; line 25, /or " deoendants," read '* desoendants." ©• 246 ; line 7, after "Panlett," add " or Powlbtt"; line 19, for " Josbph," reocf

    • JuBR "; line 28, for ** 1828, a da.,*' re^d ** in Paris, Deo. 1828, Louisa Maria, yst

da."; line 24, /or '* 9,p,,**read ** probably unm. but certainly s.p.m.s.(^) "; andocM at eaid note " {^) A son, h, in Paris, 1 April 1829, about four montiis after the alleged marriage, d. v.p. an infant "; line 26, for « [1773]," read " 1768 "; line "80," for ••2nd," read Sd"; line 44, for "58," read "61"; line 47, after " Hants," add " He d. s.p. at Cowdray park, 5 Sep. 1897, aged 52, and was bur. at Eastbourne. His widow living 1898. VIII. 1897. 8. Augustus Arthur (Pbrceval), EJkRL of Eomont [1758], VnoouRT Pbboital of Kirturr [1723], Bahor Pbrobyal or Bhrtor [1715] and Baror Ardbr op Lohort Castlb [1770], in the peerage of Ireland, also Baror Lotbll ard Hollard op Erhorb [1762] and Baror Arorr [1802], cousin and h. male, being s. and h. of Charles John PBROSyAL, by his first wife, Eleanor, da. of John Matthbwb, of co. Salop, which Charles (who d. 14 Oct. 1894, aged 68) was 2d s. of Rev. the Hon. Arthur Philip Pbrobval, Rector of East Horsley, Surrey (who (f. 11 June 1858, aged 58), yr. br. of the 6th EarL He was b. 4 June 1856, at Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealsnd ; was sometime member of the Metrop. Fire Brieade ; eue. to the peerage, 5 Sep. 1897. He »i., 1881, Kate, da. of Warwick Howbll, of South Orolina, U.S.A." p. 247 ; lee vol. iii, p. 411, in the Corrigenda to this page.