Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/403

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OORRIOENBA, ETC., TO VOL. III. 393 p< 291 ; line 8, fw ** BVLU/* rtmi " Sullt, by Agnes, 2d de, tnd coheir of Qilon, Sim di Sullt, which wniiam wu "; afitr <* of/' add " Champagm Bbii and "; line 4, fiji/tr " him," odd " He m. secondly Hermen trade "; lines 8, 82 tnd 38, as also Note (•), line 1, far " TickUl/' read "TickhiU "; line 18, for '*<L 1207," rtad ** m. Henry d' Bbtoutitillb, Seigneur de Valmont (who a. 1228) and d. 80 March 1207, being 6tir. in Foucarmont Abbey "; line 25, for " di Issoudor," read " D* Bxoudun"; line 84, for «Mel1o," read "Melle"; line 87, for

  • ' 11 Sep.," read '*at La HotheSt. Heraye, in Poiton, 14 or 15 May (probably

in)"; last line but one, for "being," read "having been"; last line, dele the comma. Note (*) deUt and re-wriU thus, " This Kuph was yr. s. of Hugh Tin, Sire de Lusignan, by Bourgag^e, da. of Gkoffrey d« Ranoon, Sexgnear de Taillebourg." Note (<>). line 1, dele " Aug." to *' mother," and ineert ** 2 Sep. (at the latest in) 1246, and was 6ur. at Foucarmont afiMl/'; last line, dde "From" to " b." p. 292 ; line 12, after " widow," add *' who was 6. 8 April 1888." Kote (*) cohdude " Pkrorb was again conferred (by Henry VI.), between 1428 (the death of the first grantee) and 18 Feb. 1448/4, on Humphrey (SUfford), Earl of SUfford, afterwards cr, Duke of Buckingham. Drbux, was conferred 19 March 1427, and apparently (ngaiu) after 14 Sep. 1435, on William (de la Pole), Earl of Suffolk." ^ Note {^) conclude " Thus all his four sons were Peers and all sat together in the Pari, of 1472. See vol. ii, p. 393, note {*), iub Cowley, for a similar case." p. 293; line 4, after "1488," add ** knighted * under the Banner' at Touraine, 20 Dec. 1513"; lines 9 and 10, for *' (Willoughbt)," read "Willoughbt, of Psrham, tt^ing himself "; line 10, for " Jbihit," read " Jbhrbt " line 14, for "Streatham," read "Streatlam"; line 15, for "6 March," read "27 Feb."; line 16, for "1580," reod "27 Feb. 1580/1"; line 19, for "11," read "10"; line 24, for '* Lincoln," read " York "; line 29, for " 1580," read " 1577 or 1679 "; line 84, dde "(«>)'*; last line, for "1587," read " 1579(«>)"; after "m. " add "15 Not. 1601, at Ingleby afsd." Note (»), line 2, /or " decendant,^' read " dencendant "; last line conclude " The patent (together with that of the Barony of Wharton) was publicly presente<l, 18 Blarch 1648/4, at Newcastle on Tyne. See Tol. fiii. p. 124, noU {% tub Wharton." p. 294; line 11, for "2nd." read «• 4th"; line 18, for "20,** read "10"; line 14, for "who ff. 1 May," read "hur, at SeUttyn, 11 April" Note (<1), line 1, for " 229,*' read " 299." p. 295 ; lines 1 and 2, for " with the Dukbdoh of QRAnoN, whiah see," read "see ' QRAnoB,* Dukedom, er. 1675.*' p. 296 ; last line but one, q/^ " serTe<l," add " in." p. 297 ; lines 8 and 9, dde " probably " to " 1386)," and ineert "in 1884 "; line 9, after " Plantaobmbt,'* add "divorced from John (Habtihob), Earl of Pbmbrokb"; line 12, for " 1868," tead " 1863 *; Une 16, for (142526)," read " 24 Not. 1425"; line 28. for "Lincoln," read "York" line 19, after "It," add *'and who was aged 28 and upwards in 1418." Note (•), line 1, for " Four," rtad " Five "; after " (1)," add " Hbrbford, on Henry (Plantsgenet), Earl of Derby, afterwards (1399) Henry IV. ; (2)"; lines 2, 8 and 4, for "(2)," "(8)" and " (4),'* read respectively " (8)," " (4) " and " (6) "; line 6, for " ave," read " six "; line 6, after " but," add " Hereford (which had merged in the Crown) and." p. 298 ; line 5, for " 1424," read " 1424/5 "; line 11, for " John," read " Lewis John (whose children were called FiTZ IjBWIB)"; line 14, after "widow," add ^*d. 28 Not. 1457, and." p. 300; line 2, fir "1566," read "Jan. 1565/6, at BuTghley"; line i, for "In 1589," read "Jan. 1688/9"; line 13, after "5«r.," add "at St. James*. Clerkenwdl"; deU "dat. 20 March"; line 22, for " 1686/7," read " 1687/8"; line 28, for "1660," reed **1669"; line 85, after "1678," add "adm. to St John's Coll., Cambridge (as Fellow Comm.), 18 June 1667." p. 301 ; in margin, for " I.," re^d " II." Line 7, for " Ossulton," read " Obbulbton ": line 8, Jor "Aug.," read "80 July"; line 9, for "Sep.," read "at Belton, 19 Sep."; line 12, after "widow," add "who was 6. 10 and bap. 30 May 1681. at St GUes' in the fields "; line 16, for '< b. about 1700," read " bap. at BdUm 2K