Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/409

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CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. til. 399 from Tuam, in 1807, to 21 Lower Domtniok street, Dublin) on the ere of its failure"; line 32, after <* 1809," U4l4i «at Salt Hill, near Qalway"; line is7, eottetwU " He d. 8.p.8., 20 Jan. 1892, of iufluenBa, at Elm Park, aged 81. His widow living 1898. V. 1892. 5. Martin JosBPH (Ffrengh), Baron Ffrbnoh OF Gastlb Fpiirmch [I.], br. and h., b. I Got. 1813 ; Barrister [I.], 1841 ; iue, to the peeroffell]^ 20 Jan. 1803. He st. 2 July 1862, Catherine Mary Anne, only da. of John 0' Shauohkksst, of BirohgroTe, oo. Koeoommon. He li. 2 Not. 1898, at Blackrock, Dublin, aged 80. His widow living 1898. YL 1893. 0, Charlbr AusrrN Thomas Robbrt John Jobbph (Ffrrncr), Barou Fprrmoh of Castlr Ffrbnoh [I. 1798], also a Baronet [I. 1779], 1st s. and h., h, 20 June IS68 ; sue, to the peerage [I.], 2 Not. 1893. He m. 1 Sep. 1892, Mary Margaret, da. of Matthew Jame^ Gorballt, of Rathbaal Hall, CO. Dublin." line 81, for " Wiluam Vkhtrm-Pirld," read " Wiluam-Vbhtru Fwld." Note (^), line 3, after " duplicated," add " (a duplication presumably arising from ' a prolongation o( the vertical tick at t>fio extremity of the upper horisontal line ci the capital F.' [N. and Q., 8th s., iii, 24])." Note («), line 1, dele "It" to " grounds," and ineert ** These were the grounds, on which "; e^fter " Peerage," add "tho'"; line 2, fer "or any," read "nor any"; line 8, for "to the Government," read ** save that her eldest son having influenced, in behalf of the Government, certain members of the Roman Catholic Committee (who were of his own faith), obtained a promise of a peerage, but, such grant to 'a Papist ' being obnoxious to the King, and in every way unpopular, tiie difflcnlty was solved by conferring it on the Ihrdettant mother." P' 346 ; lino 20, dele " (as his first wife) "; for " 1294," read ^ about 1292 "; line 28, after ** Sep.," add "(or, aooording to Wyntoun's chronicle, 7 April)." p* 3i7 ; line 24, for ** appears to have been living 22 June," read " was liTing 12 Aug." p. 349; line 5, after "widow," add "A. 28 Sep. 1706'*; line 6, for "83/' read " 82, at Rothiemay "; line 12, for " 1766," read " 1769(>>^)," and inteH at mid note " (^^) The date of 1766 is given (presumably in error) in ' Lodge,' where, however, it is attributed to information from the Earl himself"; line 17, see vol. iii, p. 411, iu corrigenda thereto; line 19, conclude '* His widow d, at her residence. Hermitage House, near Leith, 30 Sep. 1818, in her 80th year.' It p. 350 ; line 3, for " 173P," read " 173ri ": Innt line but two, fffler " Wallkr," add She was living as his wife, 14 March 1644/6." p. 361 ; line 8, dele "3d,"; line 20, after '< m.," add " shortly after 18 Not. 1660 "; line 37, after ••Hamilton," add "[S.]**; line 88, for "relict formery," read " and formerly." p. 352 ; line 8, for '*d.," read "who was ». 1672, d. at Oillen, 14 Aug. "; Une 86, after " Germany " add " by Marie Ck>lette, Couiims von Liohtbrybldi " ; line 37, /or "61," rMrf"61." p< 353 ; line 3, for " about " read " aged 68, in Cliarles street, Marylebone, 24 May "; line 22, ofler " 1637," add " in Dublin and was bar. at StrathmuUen. Will, 1687, in Prert>g. Ct. [I.]; line 34, after " Killeen," add "Will, 1699 in Prerog. Ct. [I.]" ; line 41, after "1684," add " Will in Prerog. Ct [I.]"; laat line, for " 1703," rrad " 1703/4, and was b»r. in the chapel of Somerset House." p. 354 ; in margin, for " 1738," read " 1739." Une 8, fer " 1690," read *« 1698 line 16, ^t/ZiT *' Killeen," Mf<f " Will, 1749, in Prerog. Ct. [I.]"; line 19, aftei- " m.," add " Oct." ; line 20, efter « Rritiiarb [1.1, add " who d. 80 June 1786 "; line 80, for "1788, in Paris" read "31 Jan. 1788/9, in Flanden. Will 1739 in Prerog. Ct. [I]"; /or ** there," read "abnmd"; line 36, after "1808," add " at Cliftou and was bur, in the Rom, Catli. ohapol at Bristol."