Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/423

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OORRIGENDAy BTO., TO VOL. IV. 413 IK 128 ; Ud6 4, for <* Qwtssb," rntd " Gwtdih [1796], alto a Baronet [1766] "; line 12, comclutU ** She d, 20 Not. 1892, at Bournemouth, aged 79 "; lines 24 and 27, Oifter « i«.," add <« BBAUCHAMP, 8ometimes oaUed." Note (<>;, Une 2, cif2««*aa,"to<*been." P- 129 ; imeri before line 1 <u under — HACKNEY., ** Amhsbst of Haoknbt, 00. London," Barony {Ti/esen-Amheri)^ cr. 1892 ; Bee toI. Tiii, p. 281, in Apfindiz. line 12, oifter " bj," t^d *' hia flrat wife "; line 25, after "secondly,*' add " between May and Aug. 1697"; line 26, for "was linng AprU 1608," read "if. 81 Hay 1609"; line 27. for <*No7. 1618. Janet," read "between 18 and 26 Sep. 1618, Juliana "; line 36, for " about," read " contract, 27." p. 190 ; line 12, after " 1648," add *< (contract 1 Jan.) "; line 16, for ** about," read " at Strothera, 1 July "; after " till," add " 81 Aug."; Une 17, deU " (1 Sep.) "; line 20, for " this," read " the marriage." Note (»),1ine 2, for'* LsgaUere," read

    • UrgiUi^re." Note (t>), line 2, dele " that "; Une 4, for "alluded," read *' referred."

p. 131; Une 19, for "28 Oct," read "at St Berth, the Great, London, 6 Sep."; lino 20, ^fter " SuOulIc," add " by Elimbeth, da. of (— ) WASHmoTOii "; line 24, after "Berwick," add "(who d. 1881)"; line 82, afur "1813," add "at Tyninghame "; line 85, for " 1780," read " and bap, 8 July 1780. at St Giles'." p. 132 ; Une 5, after '* extinct," and lines 6 and 20, after «Midz.," add "and was bur. at Tyninghame "; line 9, after '• tf.," miii " 11 Dec."; line 18, after " 1824," add "at Bolton Percy"; line 87, e^fter " 1889-90." odd " He m. 21 Sep. 1892, at St Peter's, Eaton square, Katharine Aueusta MilUcent, only chUd of WiUiam Severin Sai/hno, of Heath End. Ascot, Berks]." p. 133 ; between linee 10 and 11, imert a$ under — HAINTON. t.«., "HsNBAGB OF Hainton, CO. Lincoln/' Barony (Heneage), cr, 1896 ; see Yol. tUI, p. 242, in Appbndix. Une 21, for " 62," read " 65 "; Une 28, e^ •* 1846," add " at Haldon House "; Une 29, for " Geoge," read " George." p. 134 ; line 12, fifter " 11," add " and bap, at Thornhill, 28 "; Une 16, conclude " was bap, 28 Nov. 1688, at ThombiU "; Une 18, for " 1697," read " 1679 "; Une 24, after " 1670." add " in Lincoln's Inn rields, and waa bur. 81 at ThornhiU "; line 81, conclude '* b. Feb. 1660/1 "; Une 34, after « Protestant," add " by Esther, da. of Barth^lemy Ubrtart "; line 44, after " Will," add " dated 7 Oct 1687." p. 135 ; Une 3, e^fter " 1694," add " (about Aug.) and was bur, at St Alban's, Herts "; Une 4, after " 1695," add "at Burley on the hiU "; Une 6, after *' 1 700," add*'ottai 'inwwd fever' at Acton, and was 6ttr. 9 Sep. at St Alban's abd."; line 8, for

  • 1708," read "1707/8"; line 86, ftr *'d.,' read "was bur. at St Jamea'

Weatm., 28." p. 136 ; line 11, /or <* about 1708," read " 8 April 1706 "; line 15, e^ " She," add " who waa 6. 14 and bap, 21 Dec. 1690, at St James' Weatm."; Une 84, for "1753," read " 18 Oct 1768, aged 27, at Horton, near Northampton." p. 137 ; in margin, under " I. 1885," ineert " Barldom. I. 1 898."; Une 44, for "in London, 8 Sep. 1825," read '*at 12 Penton street, PentonvUle, Midz.,8 Sep. 1828." p. 138 ; Une 1, conclude ** was er, 19 Jan. 1898, VISCK)UNT TIVERTON of Tiverton, CO. Devon, and BARL OF HALSBURY, being introdaoed 8 Feb. foUowing." Between Unsa 8 and 9, imert a» under^ HAMBLEDEN. i.e.f "Hamblbdbk op Hamblbdbn, co. Buckingham," Viscountoy {Smith), er. 1891 ; see vol. vui, p. 240, in Apnitoiz* Note (b), Une 1, for " 1580," read " 1480.**