Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/425

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OORRIORNDA, KtO,, TO VOL. IV. 415 II. 1892. f. Hbnbt Robbrt (Brand), Yisoount Hampdbn of Oltrdb [1884] and Lobd Daorb [1821], lit t. and h., h. 2 May 1841; ed. at Rugby ; sometinie Gapt in the Coldstream Quards. M.P. for Herts, 1868-78, for Strottd, 1874, till unseated, and for the Stroud dW. of Gloucestershire, 1885-86 ; Surveyor Qen. of Ordnance, 1888-85 ; iue. to the peerage, 14 March 1892 ; GoTernor of New South Wales, 1895. He m., firstlyi 21 Jan. 1864, Yiotoria Alexandrine Leopoldine, da. of SiWain Van db Wbtbr, Belgian Minister to England. She d, B.p. 20 July 1865. He m., secondly, 14 April 1868, Susan Henrietta, 2d and Tst. da. of Lord George Henry CAVBirDnR (br. of William, 7th Dukb or DBTonsmRB), by Louisa, da. of Heni7 (Labobllbs), 8rd Babl of Habbwood. She was 6. 29 July 1846." line 22, e^fter " Soiibbsbt," add " Pakiboton, formerly "; line 41, fitr " 28,'* read " at 41 Baton sq., in her 81st year. 28 "; last Une, /or << Uving 1891," read '• d. there 8 Feb. 1892, in her 98d year." p. 167 ; in margin, >r " 1891," read " 1891 to 1894." Une 7, eomelude '* He d. s.p. (having, owing to ill-health, passed many years in complete seclusion), at 29 Longfieid place, Wimbledon, 26 April 1898, aged 66, and was 6iir. at Hampton LoTett. Admon. Sep. 1894, at £1,759 gross and £685 net IIL 1893. 3. Hbrbbrt Pbrrott Murray (Pakinoton), Baron Hampton ok Hamftob Lovbtt aho Wbstwood [1874], aito a Baronet [1846], br., of the half-blood, and h., being 2d. and yet. s, of the 1st Baron, and only 8. by 2nd wife. He was ^. 12 Feb. 1848, in Baton Square ; ed. at Merton Coll., Oiford; B.A., 1870; M.A., 1875; Barrister (Inner Temple), 1876; nie. to tke peerage, 26 April 1898. He m., 23 Aug. 1877, Evelyn Nina Frances, 3d and yst da. of Sir George Bakbb, 8d Bart, of LoTcntor, Devon, by hb first wife, Mary Isabella, da. of Robert Nassau SDTTOif." Note (•), line 1, dele *' (the first," to end of note and interi ** (and oorrigmida thereto) as to these oreationa." p. 168 ; line 6, after *< 1875/' add ** till his nstgnation in Aug. 1898"; line 7, ^fter '< 1847," add " at St. George's, Bloomsbury "; line 8, efler '* Winsland," add '< of Montague street, in that parish " ; line 9, eenelnde " He if. there 29 March 1894, aged 73, and was bitr, in Norwood cemetery, when his peerage (for life) became extinei. Will pr. at £57,085"; line 28, after "1794," and line 29, after •• 1798," add '* in Kildare street, Dublin "; line 36, after " 1829," add <* in Upper Brook street"; line 32, after "si.," add "5"; after "Kirslbt," add "of Dublin "; line 37, after <* 79," add " at Summer Hill, Dublin "; line 41, for " Derry," rtad " T^rone.'^' p. 159 ; line 3, ^fter <* 1833," add '<at Merrion, near Dublin"; after '<1840," add " at Bath and was bur, 9 in the Abbey there "; line 16, after ** 1861," add " at Hove, Sussex "; line 17. for " 1676." read " 9 and bap. 27 Oct. 1677, at Stapleford, co. Leicester"; line 18, for '* 16 Jan. 1698/9," read *<30 Jan. 1699/700 "; Une 27, after " Mary," add " (then about 18) "; line 28, fer " York," read " Durham "; after ** 20," add " and was bur. at SUpIeford, 80 "; lines 34 and 35, fer "nephew and h.," read "cousin and h. male' ; line 35, /or "the Hon. 1695.' p. 160; Une 6, far '*30," read "20"; line 20, e^ "if.," add " in Norfolk street, Grosvenor Square"; line 36, after "1781," add "at Bristol" ; line 42, mfter "1791," add "at Wakerley, co. Northampton"; line 45, after f* 1809," add " at Fineshade afad." ; Une 50, eaneiude " at St Andrew's, Holbom." p. 161 ; line 14, efter "6.," add "Dea"; line 15, fer "166/," read "1677"; line 40, ^/fer" 1724," add " in Oxfordshire"; Une 44, after "cf.," add *' 12." p. 162 ; Une 29, /br " (Vbbnon)," rsod " Ybbablbb-Ybbbon} " ; Une 81, efier •• 1809," add " in Oavendlsh square " ; Une 42, dele '• (taking Qen. Lee oaptiYe.)"