Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/427

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CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. lY. 417 ^ 170 ; Una 6, fw "before April 1676/' rtd ««(oontraoe 18 June 1474) '*; line 8, f^ " March 1622/3," rtad '* April 1628"; for '* before 2 Jane," r$^i <* 12 April "; line 17» /or <' 1844/' rearf "1824"; line 81, /or <' about 1690/* rtad "before 6 March 1680/1 "; line 32, ikiier " liTeriee/' oAA "by Cicely, da. of Edward BuLflrrRODM "; line 40, afUr "d," add "of amaU pos." p; 171 ; line 9, mftw " 1816," iiid " at Pooklington "; line 12, a/<«- " 1844," Ud " at 8t. Geo. Han. sq."; line 14, aft$r « rf./' «rfj""; line 16, /or " living 1891/' nad "d 17 Jan. 1898, at WeatfleM lodge, Bracknell, Berka"; line 24, eotidude '* 8he d 10 Jan. 1892, at 12 Groavi«nor crescent, und wna bur, at Selattyn, Salop." Note {*) ddt, and 9ubiUiuU *' See vol. It, p. 19, note (•), tub Gerard of Bryn." !>. 172; in margin, for "1784," r«a«f "1779." Line 6. fw *« 1890." read "1688; Barrister (Inner Temple), 1704 "; line 46, condud* '*(an independent fortune of £100,000) "; laat line, f^ " Will pr.," read " bvr, 27 at EWaaton. Will pr. under £90,000 in." Note (*), eondude " See tabular pedigree of Stanhope in Yol. Tti, p. 233." p. 173 ; line 10, for " d.," read " who was b, at Plymouth, June 1798, d., aged 69, of bronchitia"; line 12, afUr •' 1836," ttdd "at Pembroke Houae, Pri?y Gardena"; linea 22 and 37, /or "1891," read "1898", line 86, /or "Carlahrue," read " Carlsruhe." p. 174; line 18, /or " Baintree," read "Braintree"; Une 27, afUr "July 1883," add "at Holden, near Trowbridge"; line 48, irfter "Trinidad," add "by Fanny Maonamara,' hia wife." p. 175 ; Une 1, for " 1890," read " 1890-96 "; line 2, after « 1890(»)," add"% Loid in Waiting since 1896 "; line 4, eeneiwie " and ia O.I."; line 14, t^ " d.," mid " after a long iilneas, at Bath "; line 16. after " tf./' add " in Park street, Midz., aged 76 "; line 80, for " 1886," rMif " 1888, in Groevenor square "; Une 81, for " 76," r«uf «« 86." Note (•), Une 8, for " eeneri," read " cituri.** p. 177; line 4, for "remainera," read "reraaindera "; line 16, for " Stokostown," read " Strokeetown "; line 19, after " HAKTLAND." mdd "or HAKTLAND OF STUOKRSTOWN"; line 83, after " 1772," add "ed. at St John'a Coll., Cambridge ; B.A., 1794 ; M.A, 1797 "; afUr " Ordera," add " and a Prebendary of St. Patrick's, Dublin "; line 86, for " He d.." read " in St. James' street. He, who had for some years been a lunatic, d, at Strokestown afsd." Note (^), line 3, /or "Charlea," read "Henry"; deU "but." to the end, and ineeH "Thia Denis, however, was first cousin and heir at law to the last Lord, being s. of the Rev. Thomas Mahon (by Honoria, da. of Denia Kelly), br of the first Lonl. He was barberoualy murdered in 1847, and ia ancestor (thro* his da.) of the family of Pakenham-Mahon, who tbna inherited Strokestown." P« 178; between Unea 10 and 11, ineert ae under — HASELBEGU. t.0.i " Hawkssburt of Haselbeoh, 00. Northampton, Ac., Barony {Fclljambe)t er, 1898, see vol. fiii, p. 241, in Appbndiz. p. 179 ; in maivin, far " 1296," read " 1290." Line 24, after " ffaeUngei,'* add " but was undoubtedly sitting in Pari, in 1290 (18 Bd. I.), which sitting (tho* no summons thereto are in ezistenoe), is recognised in the decision [1841], aa to thia Bnrony, and consequently gives its date as tlint of the precedence of this dignity(««) "; imert a$ aaidnoU *' {^) Tho' the writ is not ezUnt, Lord Cottenham preaumed, and the House accepted, ita existence from the sitting. See article on The Peerage in the Quarterly Review for Oct. 1893"; line 86, for "1434," read " 1334, and was bur, at the Friars Minors, Salisbury." p. 180 ; line 6, /or " 1326," read "27 Jan. 1324/6 "; line 17, /or " unm.," rwKf "s.p." p. 181 ; in margin, for " 1396," read " 1396." Line 19, /or " No?. 1396," read at CaUia, 1 Nov. 1396." p. 182; line 3, after "1488," ndd "Will dat 20 June 1484 "; lines 6 and 7, dde '* is " fo "Ash," and ineert ** m. firstly Isabel, da. end h. of Sir Ralph Babtho^pb, by Margnret, da. of William Midlbton, of Stockeld. She rf. between 1489 and 1496. He a». secondly Catharine, da. of Sir John Abkk, of Aughton, co. Tork, by Elitebeth, da. of Sir Ralph fiiaoD"; line 8, /or "there," read **at Norton 2N