CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL, IV. 419 HAWEESBURY OF HASEL6ECH AND OF OLLERTON. I.e., "Hawkbsburt of Habblbkoh, CO. Northampton, and of Ollbbton, Sherwood Forest, oo. Nottingham," Barony {Foljambe), er. 1898 ; tee yoL Tiii, p. 241, in ApriHDix, p. 197 ; in margin, far *« 1646," read " 1645." Between linee 1 and 2, inuri oi i.e,, "Rob," sometimes called '*Ro6 of Halkhbad;" or "Rob of Hawkhbad," Barony [&] (i?M), er, about 1489. line 6, ^fter *' [8.]," add '* and again 1688, with the Earldom of Quohsbirbt [S.]. both of"; line 12, /or *'1646;' read ■'1645"; line 25, /or *'d. in Feb. 1712," read •* was bur, 17 Feb. 1712/3, at St Anne's Soho," p. 199; line 83, afUr "male," add "6. about 1564"; line 86, for <*in or before Sep. 1594," read '* before 1 July 1592 "; line 89, ^/ter •< m.," add "about Dea 1614 "; last line, far '* TWBEDALE," read " TWEEDDALB." p. 200 ; line 12, /or "1784," read "1754 "; line 14, for **The Earl of BeeUve d.," read " Earl Beetitre d, of a paralytic stroke at Headfort house "; line 15, eoaeiude " His will, 1795, in Prerog. Ct [L] "; line 22, e^r " [I.] " add " Rip. Pub [I.J, 1801-29, being one of the original 28 so eleeted"; Une 38, afier " 1778," add ^< at WeeUand Row, Dublin "; line 25, for " abroad," read " at Unsanne "; /#r " in "Devonshtfe," read "at North Brook lodge, near Eieter, aged 84"; fine 88, after " KBNLIS," add " OF KENLIS, OR KELLS "; line 88, af/er " 1884," add " in Cumberland terrace. Regent's Park, and was bar, 27 in the Harrow Road cemetery "; last lino, for *' 1827," read '* 1829." p. 201 ; line 10, /or <*Sbe/' read " He d, 22 July 1894, at 46 Belgrave square, aged 72. Will pr. at £67,770. His widow, who "; line 11, eondwU "living 1898 "; line 18, dele and intert " He cf. s.p.m. and v.p. 15 Dec. 1898, at Underley hall afsd., aged 49, and was bur, at KirkbT Lonsdale. Will pr. at £775,657 gross and £594,819 net. His widow, who was o. 7 Nov. 1842, in Upper Orosrenor street, living 1898, KarqaeBsate [I.] IV. Viaoountcy, &c. [I.] V. 4 aud 6. Gboffrbt Thomas (Tatlovr), Marquus of Hbadfobt [18001 Eabl BaonyB ' 1894 l^'^^i ViBOOuiiT Hbadfort [1762], and Babor Hkadfort [1760] in the peerage of Ireland, aUo Baron Kknus op Kbnus or Kbll8[U.K. 1881], alio a Baronet [I. 1704] 2d and yst, but only sur?. s. and h., being only a. by second wife ; 5. 12 June 1878 ; eiifled Eabl BsonvB from Dec. 1898 till he sue. to the foerage^ as above, 22 July 1894." line 89, /or "in 1765," read " 12 April 1765, at Wragby, oo. York"; line 40, /or "She," read " of Eitham, Kent She, who was bap, 81 Deo. 1784, at Wragby." p. 202 ; line 8, afUr " 1840," read "at Aghadoe and was bur, 16 there"; line 11, for "1868-70," read "1868-77"; lines 18 and 14, /or "living 1891, read "d. 24 April 1894, at S Pulteney street, Bath. Will pr. at £16,017. Both bur, at Aghadoe "; line 21,/or " Lyme," read " Ryme "; line 46, after '* She," add " who was bap. at Bueklaod Monaehorum, 1726." p. 203; lhie6, a/ter "1818," add "in Hill atreet, Berkeley sq., and wasiiir. in Buokland Aboey, Devon "; between lines 88 and 87 ineert ai imder^ HEMPSTED. t.«., " Mbdwat of Hbmfbtbd, CO. Kent," Barony (OaihornerHa/rdy)^ er, 1892, with the Eabldox of Cbahbbook, which see. after last line ineeH ae