Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/439

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GORRIGSNDA, ETC., TO VOL. IV. 429 80, afttr '* of," add '* the body of "; Uit line, ftr ** 1891," rtad *' 1898. »> p. 318; line 5, o/ler " 1882," add '*K.P. 1 Aug. 1892"; Hoe 81, fir "(1808-09), 2 Ed. II." read " 1810." Note (•). line 8, nfUr " failed," add " in 1849 "l^fier "■econd da.," add '* Jcihanna, m. Sir Miles Stapleton, of Bedale, oo. Tork, K.a. who was 6iir. at Ingham 1864. They left a s. and h., Sir Miles S. of Ingham (d, 1418;, in the deeoendants of whose great grand^dauffhters and ooheirs the representation of this Barony is Tested. [QtMedogiU^ N J9., toI. zii, 124]." p. 319; between lines 22 and 28, iimri at iMcier— INNERMEATH. i.0., '* Innbrmsath," Barony [S.] (Stewart)^ er. 1470 in exohange for the BAROirr or Lobk [S.], which see, under the 8d holder thereof; ex, or dorswml, 1626. Between lines 29 and 30, tfif«r< a$ under — INNISKILLINO, see Ennkkillbn. After last line, inmi a$ under-^ INVERCLYDE OF CASTLE WEMYSS. t.0., '* Inybroltdb of Gastlb Wbmtss, CO. Renfrew/' Barony (Bume)^ er, 1897; see toI. Tiii, p. 248, in ArpnrDix. p. 320; in margin, fir " 1848," read " 1840." Line 17, cMf " an Earl, Qy. if not "; line ] 8, eondade " His wife (said to be Mistress to that Prince), was liring at Pisa, 21 April 1727 ": line 24, afier " 1816," add "nt the Earl of Arran's house, in DoTer street, St Geo. Han. sq."; between lines 88 and 84, ifuert a§ under^ un., "Invbrnbss/' Earldom (H.RM. Prince George Frederick Ernest Alben)^ er, 1892, with the Dukbdom or York, which p. 321; between lines 8 and 4, intert at under ^ f>., " Ipswioh," Barony (Jennffn), er. 1689, by James II., after his dethronement, with the Earldom op Dovbr; see " Jerrayn of St Edmunds- bury," Barony, er. 1048, under the 3d Baron "; ex, 1708. line 28, /or " first wife, Elisabeth," rtad *< first wife, Eleanor. Notes (M and (*), line 1, after « See," add « vol. iil" p. 322; line 7, fw « 1746," read ** 1746/7 "; line 11, for "about 1686," rtad "(Uc. Vic. Qen., 6 Oct 1685, he sbout 20, she about 16)"; lines 12 and 15, ftr "Maehel," rtad "Maohell"; line 14, /or "living 27 June 1721/' rtad "wss 6ttr. at Horsham, 2 Aug. 1764. Will dated at Windsor, 28 June, pr. 8 Oct 1764"; line 16, nfitr " 1686," add *'hap. 6 Jan. 1686/7, at Horsham^'; Une 27, fir " James Douglas," read " William Douglas, who was bur, at Kew, 25 Jan. 1747/8. She, who was (1786) Lady of the Bedchamber to the Princess of Wales, d. 2 and wm bur. 8 De& 1764, at Kew afsd. Will dat 1 Dea 1762 to 28 Nov. 1764, pr. 19 Dec 1764 "; line 41, coneludt *< His widow d, near Hanover sqnare, 20 March 1766. Will dat 5 June 1765 to 8 Feb. 1766, pr. 17 April 1766." Note (0), line 1, fir " 6 March," fead " 1 June." bastard of the rich p. 164].*' Note (c), h 323 Note (*^, etneludt "Lord Hailes says she was a ' Shepherd, of CSambridge' [Maidment's Antdtela SooUeat ttHttudt " See voL iv, p. 891, note (•), tub *< Kuo."