Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/445

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OORRIOBMDA, BTC., TO VOL. IV. 485 P- 382 ; line 1, <^ter "firstly," add **(MtUm. 10 Aug. 1686) "; line 2, dde *<B.p."; line 4, for -1601." read "June 1607"; line 7. after "KB.," add "(who d. Jan. 1625) "; line 14, fir <«ieoon<i/' read " flrat '*; line 15, after " fintW," add

  • <(eeitlm. 4 June 1607)"; line V, after "London," add "by Elinbeth, sister

of Sir WiDimn Bowtbr, of Denham, Bucks." p. 383 ; line 4, for " Cree," re^d " Crew "; line 5, after " Berks," add** 9 April "; lines 2*i, 29, 80, 89, after "1786," "1818," "1818," and " 1832." add respectiTely "si ShaWnffton Hall "; line 27, after " 1792," add " at Combermere abbey "; line 82, fir "1747/8," read "1748'^ line 88, after "1816," add "and was bar. at Waresley"; line 45, for "James," rtfoil "George"; line 46, /or "KUmoina," read "Kilmoma"; line 60, fir " 1891," read " 1898." P^ 384 ; between lines 31 and 32, ineert at under — KILPEC. A Barouy of this deaigiiation is said to have been conferred in 1690, by James II., sfter bis expulsion from the throne, on Wai^tib Ptb. p. 385 ; line 6 dele, and intert " She was killed (with her infant son), 15 Oct 1696, by the falling of the joists of the floor of an inn at Utreeht, bnt was 6iir."; line 7, for " 1788," read " 1782/8." p. 388 ; line 4, after "July 1804," add •'and wns l»tr, 3 Aug. at St. James' there "; line 22, after " KIMBBRLBY," add "and WODKHOUiSE OF KIMBBRLET "; line 88, eonelude " at Ryselip, near Uzbridge "; line 86, for " 1770," read "1771." p. 387; line 4, eondude "at £80,000"; line 18, eoHelude "Hon. D.CL. (Oxfurd 20 June 1894 "; line 22, for "parent's marriage) is," read " parents's maniage) and was"; eondude **d. 4 May 1895, aged 69, at 85 Lowndes square." p. 388 ; in margin, for " 1706," read " 1706 ? " ; for " 1710," read " 1707 t " Line 7, after "widow," add "was liTing 28 July 1689, but " ; line 27, for "10," read "in or shortly after " ; eondude " His widow d, 18 March 1786/7 " ; line 80, /or " in 1702," read " about 1707." p. 389; line 4, for '«1740," read ** 1789/40" ; line 18, after *'er., add *<1644 (confirmed 1660) with the Marquessate, and again." p. 390 ; lines 28 and 29, deU " Tarley " to " He," ineert " Tarty, Devon, Elisabeth, da. of John Fry, of that place, by Frances, da. of Joseph Lahotoh, of Newton Park, Somerset. She, who was ft. 8 May 1711, at Golyton, d 28 Jan., and was hur. 6 Feb. 1782/8, at Membury. He" ; line 85, /or '* unm.," read "unm.(l>)," and in»ert an §oid uote " (b) The marriage, however, of ' the Hon. Peter King, son of the late Lord Kine, and partner with a great Merchant in Holland, to one of the greatest fortunes there' Is given in Uie Oent. Mag, for Sep. 1784, but this evidently refers to the marriage of Tkomae, who, in 1767, became tibe 5th Lord "; last Une, for " 1783," read " 1784, at Highgate." p. 391; line 8, for "4," recki "24"; line 5, after "d.," add "at the Earl of Egremont's villa, Brighton " ; line 7, efier " there," «M *' ed. at Eton " : line 11, for "58," read "57, in Dover Street"; line 29, <^ [S.]," mM "i. about 1575 " ; line 83, e^ " «t.," add " after 1 July 1592." p. 392 ; in marsin, deie " Barony [I.] I. 1228. 1." Between lines 11 and 12 imert at unMr-^ The high precedence, according to sntiquity of creation as Peerage dignities, allowed to the ancient Baronies of Ireland, and their somewhat anomalous ranking among themselves, is well explained as below — ' Whereas in EngUmd the Grbation of a barony is reckoned to date from the first proved Writ of Summone^ in Ireland the Writ of Summons has been comparatively ignored and dignities traced to the earliest period at which their possessors were Barons hg tenure. This principle, tho' pressed upon them, has always been rejected by our own House of Lords, so that the npparent superior antiquity of Irish over English Baronies has no foundation in fact.' [Quarterly Beeiew, vol. 177, No. 854, Oct 1898 hi an able article <underbtood to be by J. H. Round) on The reera$e,**