Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/450

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440 CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. V. p. 5 ; lineB 20 and 21, /or '*6 April 1269 (or 8 April 1270)." r$ad " 9 April 1269 "; line 28, fw "id or bafore 1276/' read '* before 3 Feb. 1275/6"; line 26, for "Bayoune," rtad "Bayonne"; for "Bourdeaax," read "Boixieaux"; ofUr «6ttr.," a<U"21 March 1299/300." p. 6 ; line 9, for •« Broughbridge/' read '* Boroughbridge "; line 9, for " Pontfraei," r«Mf<«Poutefract." p. 7 ; Un« 12, /or "ia aaid to have been," read '* waa, on 5 April 1859 "; line 16, for " 18," read " 24." Note (»>). line 4, for *' imp* petuum," read " in p'petuum." ti. 9 ; linea 1 and 21, /or « iu Normandy," read ** in France "; line 2, after " he," add <*when Eari of Richmond"; after *' 1359," add <* at ReaHing,"; line 3, for " 9 May," read "24 March "; line 5, ofler " d.." add " 21 Sep."; line 6, for "1872, at," read " 1S71, at Roohefort, near "; linea 7 and 8, for " 2d or 8d wife," read "MUtreaa"; line 22, /or *< 1867," read '< 30 May 1366"; line 28, /or "1894," read "4 JuW 1894"; linea 28 and 29, for "Canterbury Cathedral," read " Leieeater Abbey." Note (b), eonelude " and, for a more correct TenioD, TeiL Bhor, (toL i), pub. by the Surteei Society." p. 10 ; line 8, for « 16 Sep. 1886," read << 9 Aug. 1387 "; between linea 12 and 18, ineeri cu under — LANDEGAI, see LLANDEQAL Note (^), eoMhide " See alao vol. y, p. 428, in the corrigenda^ &o. to p. 81 of that Tol. p. 11; line 4, for "living," read "d.";for "1892," read "2 Nov. 1898, aged 88. Will pr. at £107,106 "; line 11, after " Rathaman," add " waa knighud at Brugea, 27 March 1657 "; Une 14, /or " m. firatly," read "01(d)," and ineert ae eaid noU " {*) He appeara to have m., as one of hia wivea, Suaan, da. of Sir Edward Nicholaa, Sec. of SUte (d. 1669), by Jane, da. of Henry Jay "; line 17, for «« aecondly," read " aubaequently "; line 20, effter " 1683," add " in Prorog. Ct [I.], 1688. and ia"; linea 20 and 21. for '* about 1722," read <*21 Jan. and waa bur, 8 Feb. 1721/2, at Withyam, Sunex." p. 12 ; line 5, for "Deo. 1759," read " 18 Dec 1759. Will, 1760, in Prerog. Ct. [I.]"; Une 14. conclude **at Dublin "; line 15, eonelude " Will. 1768. at Prerog. Ct. [I.]"; line 25, after "50." add « Will, 1780. in Prerog. Ct [I.]"; line 26, conclude "at Florence, aged 90"; line 81, afUr " Elisabeth," add "(then aged 17)": line 82, after "Dublin," add "Banker"; /or "d.." read "da."; line 84, fir *Mn London," read "at the Royal Hotel, Pall Mall"; after "Oct," add "at St Anne'a, Dublin"; line 85, conclude at his villa, near Dublin. Will, 1805, in Prerog. Ct [I.] "; line 89. after " He," add " having long been inaane "; line 47, fur " before," read " after "; Une 50, after " 1815,^' add " at St Qeo. Han. aq.^'; line 55, after " Une," add " and was Imr. 18 at Swithland." p. 13 ; Between linea 29 and 80, ineeri as under — LANGATTOCK, see Lijingattook. p. U ; line 5. after " waa," add " 6. before 1612 "; line 14, for " to," read "for." Note (»), line 8, for " Kirckhoven," read " Kirkhoven " line 5, for " 1777," read "1778." p. 16 ; line 4, /or " Antrim," read "Antrim"; line 9. for "Deo.," read " 18 Dec"; line 14, conclude "in Dublin, leaving *a clear landed estate' of £18,000 per annum"; line 18, for "ci. soon afterwards," read "was living at his father'a death, 25 March 1794, but d. within two years thereof"; conclude " Will dat 29 May 1788, pr. 80 April 1796, iu Prerog. Ct [I.] "; Une 29. after " 1825." add « at hia aeat, Cooper's Hill, in Egham, Surrey "; Une 87, after " [I.]." add " a. and and b."; line 42, after " drowned," add " when bathing in the aea."