Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/455

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CORRIOBNBA, BTG., TO VOL. V. 446 p. 70 ; Uoe 2, m/Ur ** Mat^arot," add " (dowry 46,000 marits) " ; line 17, m/Ur " m V' add "(oontract 10 Oct. 1678)"; line 18, eondude *< Ha waa Imng 1720**; line 28, after tecond;* add {r$ctiu» 8d, but lit nary.)"; Hue 81, afUr " Ijeven," add '* having failed " ; line 32, deU ** having failed " ; line 83, fitr " Monymal,'* read " Monymail " ; line 89, for " fl.p.,** read " B.p.m." p. 71 ; line 1, a/Ur ** 1716," add (oontract 27 July) " ; line 6, dde " Mrltilli"; line 7, after *'ityUd;* add "from 1721 " ; line 16, after "Mary," add "(dowiy, 18,000 marks Sootn)"; line 18, aj^er " Elizabeth," odci "(dowry 0«000 marke Soota) " ; line 29, /or " 1794," rfa<f " 1724 " ; line 88, afUr " 3he," add " who was ». 11 Feb. 1767" ; after " 1818." ndd " nt MeWillo House snd wns bur, 21 at Marktnch " : line 43, for " at," read " hi " ; line 46, after*" 1824," add " at Park Place, Edinburgh " ; line 47, cnnd^tde " M.I. Will dat. 27 Oct 1867 " ; last line, eoneiude " Admon. Not. 1867.*' It p. 72 ; line 6, fw " Harriet," read " his cousin, Harriet, yet." ; line 8, after " 1882, add " in Park Crescent, Marylebone " ; Une 28, aft^r " 1889," add *'U H. Commissr. to the Church of SootUind, 1897 and 1898." p. 73 ; line 16, after " widow," add " who d. of fever, in Paris, 8 Sep. 1669, but waa 6ur. in England"; line 18, after '* ^e%," add "6. 6 Jan. 1661/2, at Averhsm park; was"; line 22, for "24," read "14"; line 26, afUr •< 1728," eM '*at Averham afsd., and was hw, at Kelham, sged 62." p« 74 ; in margin, for *' 1884," read " 1348." Line 20, for " Cordbt, of Cans," read " (Corbbt), Lord Corbbt, sister of John, Lord Bkauchamp db Somirsbt"; ajtar '*8omeraet," add '*by Cicely, da. and li; of William db Vivokia." p. 76 ; line 1, for " 5," read " / "; line 4, for " about 1656," read " 4 Feb. 1662/3 "; for " Nov.," read " 4 Dec. "; line 21, eondude *• Will, sign»d ' Quarrendon,' dtt 8 April to 19 Oct. and pr. 11 Nov. 1713"; lines 24 and 31, for "Quarrntok," read "Qoarbndov"; line 26. afttr "m.," add "before 1718"; line 31, after " 1718," acici "and hap. 22 at St. MsHin's in the fields"; last line, after " 1779," add " suddenly, in Hill street, Berkeley square." p. 76 ; line 2, for " bntok," read " bndon "; line 6, for " Cholbnry," read " Chsrlbury "; • line 11, after "1784," add "at Hampton, Midx."; line 2l,ofUr " 1826." luU "at Shugborongh "; line 33, for " Probate duty," read " Penonalty "; line 34, fer •< 1892," read •< 1898"; Une 37, after " 1866," add "at Chesterfield House, Hayfair." p. 77 ; dele the first five lines and imeri ae under — LIDDALL, LIDDELL or LYDELL ; gee Wakb ds Ltdbll. " Liddall(*), CO. Cuoaberlaud," Barony {GraJiam er, 21 Jan. 1688/9, by James IL, after his dethronement, together with the ViaooUHTGT of pRsnoN of Amoumdbbnbss, which see. Kote (a) lines lioidde " The name," to " Peeragee." p, 78 ; line 7, for •* H.," read " HBwrrt (•*) "; ineert ae eaid note " (■•) This William was born 14 Sep. 1688 (Family JBibUj and bap, as 'son of James Hewitt, of Churchtown,' at Rockclifi; co. Cumberland. ' Jamea Hewitt and Mwry Urwin' (doubtless his parents) were married there, in Nov. 1679. The said Willism ' died 22 Nov. 1747, sged 64,' and was buried in Trinity church, Coventry. H.L [S»Morm. Rev. James Alex. Hewitt, D.C.L.] "; line 8, for "wss b, there," read " by Hannah, da. of ( — ) Lbwib, wss b. there, probably in (■*>^) "; intert ae eaid note " (*^) This seems the most probnble date, though in a letter to the Viceroy [I.] dat. 80 Aug. 1788, he calls himself in his 74th yesr, while his epitaph makes him only 73 at his death in 1789"; line 17, for "(—;," read "Mary, only"; line 19, a/ler "secondly," add "16 Dec, 1766, at St Giles' in the fields"; line 20, after *'d.," attd "of mslignant sore throat"; eondude, " probably "; line 22, for " in Warwickuhire," read " at Chiohesto*. 26 ": line 27. after " 1776," add " at Newberry, cu. Rildare."