Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/458

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448 tlOHRIOBNDA» RTO., TO VOL. V. n. 102 ; lioet 2 and 82, after « [S.]/' aid " 9th " ; line 15, afUr " [a]." odd <* 5th " ; Ud€S 29 and 80, for ** July 1889 and waa hur.," r§ad <« March 1889. MJ."; line 80, diU ** dat 26 March 1887 '*; eoueluds *• at Cumroitaary Ct, Edinburgh"; last line, after " Felicity/' add ** ^divorced wife of Archibald Mitchslson)." p. 103 ; Hne 15, coneluds He d., a.p., 12 May 1894 at Kiloonqubar, oo. Fife, and waa bur. there, aged 67. Will pr. at £16,000. Hii widow d. at 78 Queena Gate, 24, and bar. 29 June 1897, at Kiloonqubar. Barldom [S.]. ^ XI. Barony [a] XX. 11 and f^, David Clark (Bbthuki, formerly Ijmdbat), Earl of Lindsay, kc. [S.], 2d couain onoe >-1894 removed and h. male, being lat a. and h. of David A YTONi- Lindsay, of Wormiatoue, co. Fife, by Jane Emilia, da. of John Aytons, of Kippo, in that county, which David (who d. 5 May 1872, aged 78) waa lat a. and h. of Patrick Lindsay, of Coatea and of Wormiaton afad. (d. 1823, aged 77) who waa next yr. br. of Henry Brhunb, /onn^/y Lihdbay, of Kiloonqubar afad. {d. 1819, aged 88) the great grandfather of the late Earl. He waa b. 18 April 1882 ; ed. at the Univa. of St. Andrewa and Edinburgh ; me. te the peerage [3.], 12 May 1894, on which occaaion he aaaumed the name of Betkune^ in lieu of that of Lindtap. lie at., 16 Aug. 1866, Emily Marian, widow of Capt Edmund Charlea Bahnbs, da. of Kobert Crossb, of Doctors Gommona, London. [RBGiKATj>-DBiifUKB LiNDSAY, nlyhd^ siiice 1894, Viscount Garkook, lat a and h. ap., b. 18 May 1867 ; Cu|>t.'8th Huaaara. He in., 16 Oct. 1892, Beatrice Maiy, da. of John Shaw, of Darrington Hall, co. York]." lines 25 and 26, for " OF Erisby," read '< db Erbbby "; line 27, deU "18th "; line 29, deU ** 16th"; line 82, after " Foot," add " tue. to thepenage, aa above, in June 1601." P. 104; Hnea 3 and 4, /or "Broughton," read << Boughton " ; for "JeSeriea, of Shillingley." r$ad " Jefirey, of Cbidingley " ; line 22, for " Martha," read « Martha(^i>)," and inurt at Maid note " (^^) She brought him * £10,000 m money, £900 a year, £1,000 a year penaion out of the exchequer and a house richly fumiahed.' [Letter to Rev. J. Mead, 27 April 1627]" ; line 27, after '* 1646," add *'and before 1654"; line 33, for •*2," read **3" ; liuea 38 and 39, dele "widow of the Hon. George Bbukblky" ; tulBtUvU "2d and yBt.(«)," imeert aa eaid note " (*) Elizabeth, the eldeat da. and coheir m. George (Berkeley), Earl Berkeley "; line 40, for "," read " Pkttit"; line 42, after " Wandeafonl," add " She d. pitibably about 1 Julv 1669 "; line 43, after " Ditchloy,"a<f(< "(who d, 4 Deo. 1667)" ; line 44, eonelude ** bur. at Edenham. M.L"; laat line, far " 1701,'* read " 1701/2." Note (») line 2, for " unparelled," rtad " unparalelled." p. 106; lines 18 snd 27, for " Ufflington," read <* Uffington "; line 44, eonelude " at Putney." p. 107; line 4, /or "we." read **9ue."; line ft, deU "the"; /or "before 24 Dee. 1580,*' read "in 1592"; line 19, for "aince," read "after"; linea 25 and 26, dele " at " to the end ; inteH " before 1654 "; line 29, /or " and 1660," read " and 1654, in which year he, aa Earl of Linlithgow, waa M.P. for Perth, aitting, tho' a Peer of Scotland, in the Houae of Commona. See vol. viii, p. 895, in corrigenda to vol, iii, p. 810, line 85, ^16 ' Falkland.*" Note («), line 1, for "successor m.," read " father, m. sopietime before 9 July 1689." p. 108; in margin, for " 1690," read " 1691." Line 2, for " 1458," read " 1458"; line 1 1 , after "m.," add " soon after 20/31 May 1 707 " ; line 16, for ** forfeited," read

    • forfeiUd{^)t" and iniert at said note "(<>) See vol . iii, y. 1 92, note (a), for a liat of the

peerages forfeited in the rising of 1715 "; line 36, ofta- " Kivkrs," add " She, or another wife, d. shortly before 7 July 1689 "; line 87, fer '* 1690," read " 15 Sep. 1691 "; after " III.," add "and waa bur. 28 in St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin." p. 109; in margin, for "I. 1766," read »«I. 1776." Line 6, for " Wilmot)," rsail " ( Wilmot) "; line 7. after " cr." add " 5 June 1695 '; line 10, for " 1716. He," read " 18 Jan. 1708/9. He d. 20 March 1720/1, and "; line 18, far " ««€," read

  • <Mic"; lines 18 snd 19, /or "1725, Dorothy," read "Feb. 1725/6, Domthj;

widow of (— ) Wallsr, of CO. Cardigan "; line 20, for " 1740," read ** 1740/1 "|