Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/462

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p. 146; line 12, after "Kerr," add "of Ancrum"; lines 12 and 13, dele "before" to "1630/1," insert "9 Dec. 1630"; line 13, conclude "She d. before him, 26 March 1667, at Newbottle; will dat. 4 Oct. 1660."

p. 147; line 2, for "expences," read "expenses line 7, after "b." add "8 March." Note (a), line 4, for "quere," read "guere."

p. 148; line 32, for "1735," read "1722"; line 34, for "1735," read "1745"; line 42, for "Oct.," read "15 Nov."

p. 149; line 10, for "1763," read "1762"; line 12, conclude "at Farnham"; line 22, see vol. v, p. 430, in corrigenda to this page; line 30, conclude seat of the Duke of Buccleuch, at Richmond"; line 31, after "d." add "in Lower Grosvenor street"; line 36, after "1794," add "at Newbattle Abbey"; line 39, after "Guard," add "Sep. to Nov. 1841 "; line 40, after "1831," 14 "at St. Geo. Han. sq."; line 42, after Norfolk," add "and was bur. 24, at Bickling"; line 45, for "Scomberg," read "Schomberg."

p. 150: line 3, for "31," read "37"; line 4, for "1892," read "1898"; line 18, after "m.," add " at Dalkeith"; line 24, for "15," read 16"; line 25, for "24," read "25"; line 26, conclude "Admon. Sep. 1892"

p. 151; in margin, for "1663," read "1662." Line 35, for "1662/3," read "1661/2"; last line, for " Germany," read "Holland."

p. 152; last line, after "d.," add "at Loudoun Castle." Note (b), line 1, for "hereitable," read "heritable"; line 2, for "Air," read "Ayr"; line 3, for "Mancline," read "Mauchline."

p. 153: line 32, for "1833," read "1832"; line 50, for "Maucline," read Mauchline."

p. 154; line 1, for "BORTREAUX," read "BOTREAUX"; line 6, for " living 1892," read "d. 24 July 1895, aged 72, and was bur. at Donington"; line 10, for "Maucline," read "Mauchline"; line 17, after "1887," add "He suc. his father, 24 July 1895, as BARON DONINGTON (U.K. 1880)." Note (b), line 3, for "Rowellan," read "Rowallan."

p. 156; line 7, for "She survived him and," read "He d. before 3 June 1556. His widow"; line 26, after "Tallanston," add "Will, 1608, in Prerog. Ct. [L]"; line 31, conclude "pr. 1629, in Prerog. Ct. [L]"; last line, for "1600," read "1660.”

p. 157; in margin, after "1689," add "or 1691." Line 5, for "which was," read "Will, 1689 [Qy. if not the date of making, not that of the proof] in Prerog. Ct. [I.]. He is said to have d."; line 7, conclude "The will of Ann, Dow. Bes. Louth, 1725, in Prerog. Ct. [I.]"; line 17, see vol. v, p. 430, in corrigenda to this page; line 21, conclude "Her will, 1767, in Prerog. Ct. [I.]"; line 34, after "h.," add "of Oliver, the tenth Baron"; line 38, conclude "at Dunsany Castle."

p. 158; line 2, after "1828," add "at Louth Hall, from the bursting of a blood vessel"; for "1824," read "1829"; line 20, for "1892," read "1898."

p. 159; line 6, conclude "See fuller particulars under Northumberland."

p. 161; lines 2 and 3, for "about 1683," read "in 1688"; line 32, for " final," read "later"; line 36, for "Kintail," read "Mackenzie of Kintail"; line 37, for Dungervan," read "Dungevan "; line 41, for "his da.," read "that cousin's da." Note (b), conclude "The Court of Session gave judgment, 16 Nov. 1897, against John Fraser, of Harrington square, London, who claimed the title and lands of Lovat as heir male of the 5th Lord."

p. 163; line 12, for "laters," read "years"; line 14, after "1823," add "firstly at the Hall and then at the Church of Costessy "; line 28, for "60," read "58"; for "1892," read "1898."

p. 164; in margin, for "1815," read "1814." Line 22, for "d. (1814-15), 8 Ed. II.," read was slain at the battle of Bannockburn, 24 June 1814"; line 25, dele "by second wife."