Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/469

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00R1UOBNDA, ETC., TO VOL. V. 459 Earldom of Mar [far from being ancient] was a peerage ereated late in the 16th oenturr with the then ordinary rem. to the hHni male of the body of the grantee, the form of the Reatitation Act of 1885 (reoognistng the aneient Earldom aa belonging to the heir of line) wan the obf ions way of eiTecting juatice without flatly oontra- ▼ening the eoceutric nnd baKrlem deciaiun of but ten yeara before. To effect thia 'The Bill [without affirming that there waa a lawful forfeiture or aurrender] proceeda upon the auppoeition that there may have been and probablp waa a lawful forfeiture or aurrender.' [Statement of Lord Selbome, Chairman of the Committee in 1885]. If there waa no forfeiture, the ancient Earldom waa poiacaaed by the Earl who died in 1866, and at hia death paaaed at once to the heir of line, but the anomalona dectaton of 1875 (which attnbuted a 16th oentury Earldom of Mar to that Earl) caattng doubt on auch poaaeeirion, the Act of 1885 put the heir of line in poeaeeaion of the ancient Earldom aa if it had been forfeited and he had been by that Act reatored to it." Note ('), line 6, after " Crawford," add ** truly (tho* with aome confnaion of metaphorX" p. 240; linea ito 6, deU "Theae" to "line"; line 21, fir «<in/' read "before Jul?"; line 22, fir "1869," read *M1 Not. 1868"; line 24, afUr a.," add « great nephew and h. male "; laat line, fir ** 1488," read ** 1488." Note («), Inat line, for " th," read " the." p. 241 : line 85. after *' MUNARD," add " [3.] "; laat line, fir «< alluded to/* read " mentioned." p. 242; in margin, for "XL," "III.," "IV.," read reapeotively " VIII.," "IX.," " X." Line 2, fir " TwBiDALi," read " Twmddal* "; /ur " 2," read " 9 (from the eflRMsta of a drinking-bout, at Qen. R.nmaay'a, 5)"; line 10, fer *< 1781," read 'M730/1": after "year," add *'and waa bur, at Peeblea **; Hue 11, fffier " father," add " (8 Dec. 1744) '*; line 12, for " Jan. 1747," read " 2 Jan. 1746/7 "; line n, conclude "He anrvived her"; line 24, dele *'— WiMTSS"; line 25, for " WnTMTS?," read " Wrmtss '; line 88, for "on," read " in." p. 243 ; line 2, fir " 1325," read " 1295 "; line 4, after " 1306," add «* He waa aum. to Pari, from 22 Feb. 1805/6 to 8 Dec. 1826, the wriU having the addition of the words ' DB Wiomorh"'; line 11, /#r " 1808," read " 1804 "; after '• Ireland," add ** by Joan. da. of Hugh. CoONT ok La Marchb ahd Ahooulrmr "; line 14, far " d. 1356," read " who waa 6. 2 Feb. 1286, and who became, in 1814, heireaa to her grandfather, Geoffrey, Lord GKNKriLL, d. 19 Oct. 1356, and waa bur. at the Friars Minor, at Shrewsbury "; line 17, for "da.,** read " aiater "; line 18, fir *• Bartholomew," read " Oilea "; line 26, after " ill.," add « by thia reTerad he became, also, LORD MORTIMER, a Barony er, by the writ of 1295." p. 244; line 28, for "(STAvroRD/' read ** (Stafford)"; line 82, for " 142223," read " 1432-83 "; line 83, fir •• Fximnnd," read " Edmond "; line 44, for « 58," read " 48 "; line 49, for " 1450," read " 1460." p. 245 ; line 16, for " 1642," read " 1624 "; line 20, for "20," read "80"; line 28, e^ter " Bromswold," add " (derived from hia paternal great grandmother) '*; line 89, /or "with,"reiM< "in"; linea 42 and i9,deU "when^* to " King," ineert " with the Prince of Orange, by whom, when Ring (aa William III.) he waa made." p. 246 ; line 9, after " Kbr," add " or Carrr "; line 10, afler " d," add *< at March- mont House"; line 17, fir "in 1710," read "in Dec 1709"; line 28, fir "1710," read "1709"; line 29, for "1740," read "1739/40"; line 84, for " (Camfbsll)," read "(Homb-CampbblO "; line 88, eendude "erne, to the peerage [S.], 27 Feb, 1789/40"; line 43, fir " 1748," read " 1747/8." p. 247; line 19, after "hare," add "been." Note (b), line 1, for "then/' read " than." p. 248 ; line 34, for " 1589," read " 1 July." p. 249; in margin, for '<1661," read "1671." IJne 1, after «« Philow>phy " add " (now the UniTersity of Aberdeen)"; line 2, after "firstly," add "before Feb. 1582/8"; line 12, ctrndude "before 21 March 1627"; line 16, conclude "She waa living 1660 "; line 22, ^fter *' Bliaabeth," add "(porUon 40,000 Scots)"; line 25, for " 1661," read " 1671, ahoHly before Not."; luie 83, dele*' 2d "; line 84, conclude "?ery shortly before 4 May."