Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/483

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C0RRIG1ENDA, ETC., TO VOL. V. 473 pi 391 ; line 20, /or *«moiitbC iwuT "wMln"; wnehidt '* WflU 1766, in Prerog. Ct [1.1"; line 27, after 'Wear/' mU "at 8t Stopheo** Green, Dublin. Wfll, 1790, in Prerog. Ct [1.]'^ line 83. mfUr «M791," add '«afc Mitchelatown "; line 86, ^fter " wiaow," add •' who was b. 1778 "; afUr " TiOHl." add " (who A at Pisa, March 1837, and was hur. at Jjeghorn) "; line 87, t^fter the first " 1836,*' add " and was bur, at Leghorn afsd. M.I."; line 89, for ** Gasabll,*' read " Casbklu" p. 393 ; last line but one, for '* 74th year/* read " 75th year in QrosTenor street." Note (»>), line 1, far " of," rtad " lor." p. 394 ; line 80, ^fUr '* widow," add ** 6. 22 Jan. 1808 at Weymouth **; after '* some- time.*' add "1840-64 and 1868-66"; fitr "from 1854," read "1854.68 and 1865-91 "; line 44, after "1897," add " a.G.V.O., 80 June 1897 "; line 45,/m* '* Hamillon," read " Hamilton." p 895; line 87, after " m.," add " Grisel or"; last line, wnehtdi «" WiD, 1602» in Prerog. Ct [L]" p. 397 ; in margin, far « 1750," read «« 1751." Line 6, eenelude " His wiU, 1786, and ber's, 1739, in Prerog. Ct [I.]"; line 12, condwU "The will of Maigaret, his widow, 1764, in Prerog. Ct. [I.] "; line 17,>* " 1750," read «1750/1 "; line 80, after " 1785," add *Mit Mount Juliet "; eondttde " at 8t Stephen's Green, Dublin. Will, 1798, in Prerog. Ct [I.] "; line 86, after " 1846," add "ha?ing been insane for many years." p. 398 ; Note («), line 5, /or "Eardom," read " Earldom"; line l%for "praetiae," read "practioe"; line 18, for "examples," read "example"; line 84, for " prouneed," read ** pronounced." p. 399 ; line 14, eendade "Tho* a mere ohild he had m. Ann, dejure apparently (after 1471) euo jure Baronims Cobham. See ' Cobham [of Sterborough]' er» 1842 under the 6th posaessor"; line 83, after "1626,*^ add "High Steward of Cambridge, 1629'*; line 41, after "da.," add '*and h." p. 400: line 12, for " 1644," read " 19 Deo. 1645. His widow m. Richard Brooke, of Westbury, Wilts, whose will was dat 4 Not. 1548, ips pr. 6 Jan. 1548/9, and whom she surriTed." p. 401 ; Hoe 6, after " 43," add " and was 5ttr. in Westm. Abbey "; line 7, deU " is," to "year," and ineert "d. in or shortly before July 1607. See * Warwick," Earldom,** er. 1618, under the Ist Earl." Note (»), line 1, after " proliae," read "and profligate **; line 4, fur " his," read " the." Note (•), Jor " impertudm," read "in perpetuuni." p. 402 ; line 26, for <« 1688," read " 1689 "; line 80, eondude " WiU, 1698, in Prerog. Ct [I]"; line 86, /r»r " I.ondon,*' read "GrosTsnor street"; after "1727/8," add " and was bur, at Chichester "; line 38, after " HARaoB,** add " (who d. in Dublin, 2 April 1733) **; line 44, for " 1733," rend " 1733/4." p. 403 ; in margin, after " Viscountey [I.]," for " I.," read " IV."; for " IL," read " V." Une 3, for '< ad?aaced," read " advanced "; line 21, for " He m. secondly," read " at Dublin, in childbed. He m. secondly at Golden Grove, Kings County "; line 28, for "at the battle of," read " by the insurgents at New^'; oondude ** Will, 1798, in Prerog. Ct. [I.J. His widow d, at an advanced age in Dublin, about June 1839." p. 404 ; line 16, " His will, 1766. and that of his widow, 1780, in Prerog. Ct- [I.] "; line 24, after " 1797," add " having shot himself in York street St James Westm., and was bur. 22 in that pariah"; line 84, for "86," read '*76, in Merrion square, Dublin "; line 87, for " 1790,** read " 1796." Note («), eoneiude " See also The Monfmoreneg impotture in llound*s * Feudal England* [1895]." p. 405 ; line 1 1, /or " 1893," read " 1898 *'; lines 21 to end of page, dde, and eubUUuie as below — ».e., "MouKTNORBis of Mountnoiris, oo. Axmagh," Baronj [I.l {Awnetiey)^ er. 1629 ; see " Valihtia," Viscountcy [L], er, 1622 in reversion, which took effect in 1642. 2U