Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/487

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CORRIOKNDA, WO., TO VOL. VI. 477 p. 14 ; line «, for "him/' rtoA '* himC'), and immri oi Mid note "(<>) Margerj de Norford (j«r. at St. Chrtrtopber's, London) In her will» proved 1417 in the Commisaarj Court of London, bequeathe yeetinenta, eta, to Bileigh Church, Bsaez, '•i6i corpus JJne, de NevjfU JttcH kumatum,' which Lady Nevyle waa poaaibly thia Alice Nevill. [Ex. inform. J. GhaUenor Smith]." p. 15; line 18, for *'Joan, da. of Sir John/' rend "Jane, da. of John"; after " Yorke," add *' of Gouthwnite, co. York, by hie first wife, Florenoe, da. of (—) Sharpi, of WeetmorUnd "; line 19, for " 1682," r$a4 " Feb. 1682. Hie widow living 18 July 1683 "; line 26, for « 1740," remd *' 1789/40." p. 16; line 6, for « Befayte," read " BeUuym "; line 24, after " 1810," add '< at Cox- wold, oo. York(«) (an Auftrian noble)." Note (<l), line 2, for *' Her," read " flerr." p. 17 ; line 18, for " Merionetahtre," read '* Menonethshire"; line 40, after *' what- ■oever," add '* M.A., Oxford, 9 Sep. 1661 "; line 41, ^fter ** firstly," oilcl *Mn or ahorUy before 1649"; Une 46, e^ "secondly," add ** after 4 June 1666." p. 18 ; line 4, t^ ** 1692," add "he about 26 and she about 19 "; line 9, eondvtde " She d, 23 Feb. 1785/6, in Dublin "; line 11, for '< 1693, or," reoii ** after her father's death, in"; Hue 14, afUr *«6.," add *M3 Deo."; for "1718," read "1718/9"; line 43, for "about," read "Aug."; last line, eonefiMie "and waa hur. 16 in the Rom. Cath. chapel of St. Richard, Chichester." p. 19 ; line 4, for '* Qnistiniani," read " Qinstiniani "; line 20, c^er " Portland," add " by Mary, da. of (— ) Srinnbr, of Notts "; for " Paris," rrad " his hotel in the Roe de Monsieur, Paris"; line 41, aJler " 1838," ^dd "at Brighton, aged 76, and waa bur. at Slindon "; line 23, fnr "Francis," read "Thoius"; line 29, after "1817," add "at Culsenn CHstle"; line 31, after "1833," add "in QroRvenor square, and was bur, 20 in the llotn. Cath clia|)el, at Moorfiolde "; lino 37, after ** 1794," add " and wa«i Mouiotiine nn oflloer in tlie Coldstream Ouards "; line 40, t^fler " [S.]," ocicf " sister and holr of line." p. 20; line 2, for " Baloazar," read " Baloasar"; line 13, for " Melchiorra," rtnd "Melchtora"; lines 18 and 17, for "lkldasarr«" and " Balthassara," read " Baldaasara "; line 35, for " Due," read " DuoA." p. 22 ; line 30, ^fler " Thomas," add " Austrn. or " Note (H), line 6, for " alluded,*' read "referred." Note (*), conclude "one of the most valuable men in the Kingdom, in his fortune, in his dependences, and in his qnalificationsi" p* 23 ; line 31, for " only,'* read " 3d but only surv."; line 83, eendude " (then aged 12)"; line 34, for 'Mlth," rtad "5th [xiith]"; afier "d.," add "of the new fever "; line 37, />r " about 2 Dec." read " at Sion house, shortly before 15 Not."; line 38, after *< She," add " (when, tho* twice a widow, aged but 15)." p. 25 ; line 11, for " 65,*' read " 75 "; line 38, afUr " Feb. 1794," add " of a pa««]ytte stroke, at Palace yard, Westm., and was 6ttr. at Bramber, oo. Lincoln "; line 41, for " Bamber," read " Bramber "; line 43, for " since," read " after." Top note, line 2,/er " with," rw(i " by "; Une 3, afUr " Walpole's," adrf " and Henrey's." p. 26; line 12, after '*m.," oiM "2 May 1782"; line 13, /or "Curaon's," read " Curson "; line 15, for " 17," read " at Sunninghall, Berks, 18 "; line 17, for " April," read " at Uanby hall, Notts, 26 March "; line 18, afUr •" 1834," add "at Banby hall afsd "; Une 28, fir " Muont," read " Murdt "; Une 83, for " 76th year," read "66th year, and was bur. 21, at Markham Clintou"; Une 37, /or " Charlotte," read " Charles"; line 38, after "ed.," add "at Eton and." Note (0), line 4,/c;r " burn," rend "such a pitch that they burnt"; last line, conclude " The well known Newcattie echolarthipi perpetuate his name at Eton." p. 27 ; Une 4. for " (Hamiltor)," rend " (Douglas-Hamilton) "; Une 18, for '< 1893," reiuf '• 1898 "; Une 22, after " Eton," add " Member of the London School Boaid. since 1894 "; line 30, for " It," rsoci " t "; Une 86, fir " Hants," read " Notts."