Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/500

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490 CORRIGENDA, BTC., TO VOL. VI. Phrl.(«*). He was, howerer, aom. to Pari, aa a Baron (LORD VALBNCB), from a Feb. (129S/9), 27 Bd. I. to 8 No?. (1306), 84 Ed. !.(»«>), by wriU, in all oaaea, directed 'Adomaro de Valence,* being never aum. aa EARL OP PEMBROKE"; itueri at ioid noia *<(■*) See vol. i, p. Ill, note {^), §ub Ap Adam "; '* (^) There ia proof in the Rolla of Pari of hia aitting.** p. 210 ; Notea (*) and (^) eondude aa in vol vi., p. 478 in the eorrijfenda to thk page. p. 215 ; NoU (*), fir " 1847," rtad « 1897." p. 216 ; line 12, t^fter " married," add " after 20 Hay 1529 (when ahe waa aged 20 and umn.)| but." p. 218 ; line 1, after ** 1687." add ** and in 1696, of no leaa than 5 oouuUea, ruL, Hereford, Salop, Someraet^ ^ilU and Woroeater " ; line 8, after " aeooudly," add

    • at Baynard'a caaUe, London " ; Hue 12, far *' about," read " 21 " ; line 16, deie
    • probably," to " had a," and tubeiUuU '* 27 Oct. 1661, at Ticknell, near B«audlev,

in the marchea of Walea, and who had a great " ; line 20, after ** Wilton," add

  • ' Queen Elizabeth being hia Godmother."

p. 219 ; line 1, after "Oourt," add "and (March to May 1601) committed to the Fleet prtaon^; line 14,/or <*a.p," rca<f "B.p.a. "; linea 18 to 20, iMserl at a note to theae linea '* (s) There ia (p-eat confusion about these children, arisiag perhaps from the next Earl of Pembroke (then Eurl ot Montgomery) having children of the same name at almost the same dates, lu ' Collins ' they are said to be " James h, 1616 and Henrj^ 6. 1621 ' who both died infants. In Vincent on Brooke, only one child is mentioned, vis., 'James [eie] Ijurd Herbert of Oaerdiffe' who shortly after bee waa borne died at Baynard'a Castle, 1621." In Millea' OaUdoyue no issue ia mentioned and in Dugdale but one son called Henry [tic] who died in his infancy." Note («), line 1, after " College," add " Oxford. " >» p. 220 ; line 2, for *< 1604," read " 1006 " ; Hue 3, for *' about/* read " 16 OoL Note (0 lino 2, after *' Pembroke," add " See vol. viii., p. 424 in the corriffendaio vol. iv., p. 262." p. 221; line 7, afUr "wife," add **b. July 1616, at EuBeld"; line 14, fi^r "at Christmaa, 1634," read " 8 Jan. 1634/6, in the lloyal closet, at Whiteliull "; after " Mary," add " (aged about 12)." Note («), line 1 1, after " the," add " proUble.' p. 222 ; line 8. for " 1678. She d. 1686," read " July 1678. She waa bar. 28 Not. 1686, in Weatm. Abbey, aged 62 "; line 84, after " m.," add*' in Dec. 1674, or." p. 223 ; line 18, for ** 1784," read " 1684." p. 224 ; line 18. after " m.," add "4 "; line 84, for " 1773," read " 1776." Note (*), last Une, for '* Menage," read *< hfanige." p. 226; in margin, /or "XXL," read "XXXI"; for "XXIL," read "XXXIL" Line 4, after " <2.," add " iu Hill street "; line 8, after " 1827." add " in Privy Gardens, Whitehall "; linea 24 to 26, dele *' [1661] "; dde " [1606] " to " [1861]/' and tubttituU "Ac"; line 36, for '*She," read "He d. a.p. after a long illneu, 8 May 1896, aged 44, at Frankfort, and was bur. at Wilton. Perscmalty £237,761, tlie estate duty (under the then new act) being aaid to be above £100,000. Hia widow, who"; line 30, conclude "living 1898"; between lines 86 and 37, ineert aa in vol. vi, p. 478, in the corrigenda to thia page, beginning with"XXXIIL 1896. i^," but in line 6 thereof, a/ttfr " 1868," mfcf " in Belgrvve square," and in line 8 thereof, after " 1896," add " L. Steward of the Houaehold ainoe 1896 ; G.O.V.C, 26 May 1896." Note («;, kat line, for " The," read " South Sea bubblet, by the," p. 226 ; line A, for " (— ) Hodoks," read " Joaeph Hodobs, of Jamaica"; line 6, fir " 1768," read " 1783 "; linea 7 and 8, dele " the childleaa " to " Botelwyddan "; line 10, after " Lancaster," add " formerly of Cheater, Dr. of Medicine "; t^fter "a.p.," add « at Winnington, 21 Jan."; line 11, after "1816," add '*at Penrhyn CaaUe "; line 30, for " 66," read " 86 "; last line, for " 1894," read " 1898."