Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/530

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620 OOttRiQENDA, Etc., To VOL. VII. p. 386; Note («), line 5, for «1772," r^ad "1792"; U«i Hoe, /or -'1704/' nU u 1794 .. p. 387; line 10, fir " 1896," ftad " 1898." p. 388 ; line 8, fir "b. ep.," rsad " h. «p."; line 11. for " h.." rtad "h. »p-"; line 84, fir " Sep.," read *< of a feyer in Sep. (about tbe 20tb)." p. 380 ; line 2, fir ** Spiuster/' read " probably Spiuster (but in Uie Par. Reg. dea- cribed aa * ob BoTAMOwnSy widow ') "; between lines 82 and 33, iueert ue unda- — See Maitland of Thirlsstank," Barony [S.] {Maiiland), a 1590. p. 382 ; Una 12, after " 1687," add *' waa, aa < lord Brian,' a commmmlie at Eton, 1600.01." p. 383 ; line 12, /or « 1664," read ** or before 1663 "; line 21, fir " 28," read «< 18." p. 384 ; line IS, fir " (hunt," read '* Oomur p. 385; line 4, dde "and coheir"; line 6, for "br./' read "liater"; line 24, fi •*Diileok," read **Du1oeck"; line 25, for "30," read '*80"; line 20. aJU for ter " 1846," add " at £30,000 "; Hue 31, after *• Navy," a<W •' 1783 "; line 32, ^fter

  • • Lucia," add "(1803)"; afUr "Surinam," add "(1804)"; line 37, afiir

"secondly," add " in the West Indies"; line 39, after " 1847," add " at Batb "; line 41, afier " year," add " and was bur. 10, at St. Saviour's, Waloot "; line 44, after " 1865," add " under £50,000(s)," and vieert as said note " (B) The vexed question aa to the significance of the third quarter (Or, a pheon, aznre) in the coat of arms of the O'fiiien family is discussed in an article by O. & (3. in the Mie, Gen. et Her,, 8d S., vol. i, p. 49 (June 1894) "; line 47, for " (O'Brtsm)," read " (O'BRTOf "; line 48, dele " Barony." Note («), line 1, for "* oel^tated," read " celebrated." p. 387; line 14, conclude "She d. at Alderhurat, 27 Nov. 1896, aged 76"; line 28, /or " 1800," r#«rf "1880." p. 388 ; line 13, for *' after," read " before." Note (^), line 26, for " plebiiin," read "plebeian." p. 388 ; line 9, conclude " and was bur. in A^hfield "; luie 16, fir " iu London," read "at Ashfield lodge, Suffolk "; line 17, for "at," i-ead "iu." Note (•), line 8, of ter '* or," add' '* hi." p. 401; line 10, for "Strivelin," read " Bannockburn, 24 June"; lino 11, afiar " «.," add " before July 1816." p. 402; line 29, after "Corbkt," add "Giving 1466)"; Hue ZO, ofter "Hopton," add " by Eleanor, da. and h. of Sir Walter Lucy "; Hue 34, conclude " of Holt, Chamberlain to Hen. YII. ; beheaded 1494." p. 403; line 16, for "TINDALL," read "TINDAL." Note (*), Une 1, after " paternal." a<W" great" p* 404 ; between lines 10 and 11, itnert at below— TIVERTON. f.e., "TiVBRTON, of Tiverton, co. Devon," Viscountcj (Giffard), er. 1898, with the Eabldom of Haiabubt, for which see vol. viii, p. 413, iu tha corrigenda to voL i?, p. 138. p. 406 ; line 2, /«r " 1896," read " 1898." p. 406 ; lines 22 and 27, fir ** 1696," read " 1696(ff)." and ineert ae eaid note <<(«) This is the date of the death of the Ist Peer and the succession of his grand«  nephew as given in Wood's ' Douglae.' The ' State of Noblemenn in Sootlande» 1688,' says Uiat the then Lord ' Torpeohyu ' Has ' James S«ndelande, an infant^