Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/539

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CORRIQBNDA^ ETC., TO VOL. VIII. 529 p. 206 ; Note (*), line 2, fw "(Not.)" r$a "(now)." p. 207 ; line 31, Jw " Allan," ru^d " Abnm." p. 209; line 15, /or *'boUi being living 1897," rMif "(who d, at Paris, 16 April 1808, aged 69) and d, 24 Dee. 1897* at 29 Belgrave sqnare, in her 81th year. Will pr. at £14,146 pemonalty "; line 26, fw " 1897," f^id " 1898." p. 213 ; line 13, for " Fitalan," r9ad " Fitzalan." ft p. 218 ; line 14, franifwM " JTames IIL " lo htjwt " [1701-1766]." p. 220 ; line 2, /or << Irbland," rttA " Irblahd(«),*' and inaeri a$$aidnoU** {^) Thia seemi to be his crirreot style, bat in his ereation to the Dukedom (1892) he is Billed <H.RH. Prinoe Qeorge Frederick Ernest Albert of Wale$; &o."; line 11, atmmenee " H.R.H.(«)/' and in9eri oi $aid note " (^yBy royal declaration, 81 May 1898, it was enacted that the style of Royal Ilighnat should belong to the ohildren of the eldest son of the present or any future Prinoe of Wales.*' p. 221 ; line 89, ofUr " 1844," add " in Portman straet "; line 42, fir " July," rmd " Sep." p. 222 ; last line, fir " Ed. IL," ntul « Ed. II.(«)," and iiuert at taid noU "(•) He had, however, in March 1804, settled the estate of Ashby on his great nephew, William, afterwards Lord Zouohe de Mortimer." Note (»), €oneUid$ " R. B. Chester Waters writes as follows : ' But the true origin of the famfly of Zonch can be deduced with certainty from the Chartulai^ of Marmontier and the Charters printed in the second volume of Lobineau's nitiorp of BriUany. Alan le Ceoohe, who married Adelis, the elder sister and coheir of Philip de Belmeis, of Tong Castle, Salop, and was the undoubted ancestor of the English family of Zouch, was a younger brother of Eudes de Porrhoet, Dnke of Brittany, and the third fion of Geoffrey, Vicomte de Porrhoet, who died in 1141, by Hawyse, da. of Alnn Fergant, Duke of Brittany, by his second wife, Ermengarde of Anjou. This Qeolfrey was the elder brother of Alan, who built, in 1116, the Castle of Rohan, and was the first Vicomte de Rohan, from whom the Zonch family are commonly deduced in error.' " p. 224 ; line 14, /or " Lucy," read " his second wife, Lucy "; line t,afUr ** CoDROR," add " According, however, to the Visit, of Devon, 1620, this Katharine was da. of the UnA wife, Margaret, da. and coheir of Richard (Albivi), Earl of Arundbl. He m. secondly, Elisabeth, da. of Sir Oliver St. John, by Maigaret, da. of Sir John Bbauchamp"; line 16, oonelud€ "His widow m., after 22 March 1471/2 IAS the second of his three wives), John (Lb Scropb), Lord Soropb ob Boltor who d, Aug. 1498), and was living 1488." Note («), line 4, /or " as a remark," r«ad " to indicate." p. 228 ; line 21, dOe "probably "; line 22, deU " which " to " after," and iuhtiUuU " by "; line 28, for " Alan,*' road " his maternal great uncle, Alsn." Note («), ddt lines 1 and 2 ; line 9, dd€ " apparently "; line 10, eondude " The last named Alan (the last of his line) settled Ashby, by a fine, March (1804) 22 Ed. I. on himself for life, with rem. to his great nephew, William Mortimer afterwards La Zouche, subsequently Ijord Zouche de Mortimer." p. 229 ; line 19, for " 1868. He d. ap.," r$ad " 1868.(») He d. s.p. before, probably very long "; inmri a$ taid note " (m) His succession is doubtful. In the Cal. of Pat. Rolla, 1461-67 (vol. i, p. 549), the successor in 1 868 to Hugh La Zouche in the Ashby estate is made to be liin .-lunt, Joyce, Lady Botetourt (sister of the said Robert), whose son, John Botetourt (who apparently d. v. p. in 1869), is made her successor therein, the said John being succeeded by Joyce, his da. and h., Baroness Burnell, as in the text" Note (b), line 8, for " 884," read " 884." p. 235 ; Note («) eondude " See the case in 1643 of the Barony of Byron of Roch- dale where no less than 6 brothers (nil of them, however, distinguished loyalists) were included in the rem. of the dignity. See also vol I, p. 869. Note (•)." 3c